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The 136th Canton Fair: Online Exhibition Platform Empowers Global Digital Trade Beyond Time and Place

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 304 加入收藏 :

GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The 136th China Import and Export Fair (the "Canton Fair"), which recently concluded the one-month tradeshow in Guangzhou, China, is making its online exhibition platform an all-year-round fair to continuously empower highly efficient cooperation among exhibitors and buyers.

Throughout the autumn session, nearly 48,000 exhibitors uploaded a total of 3.75 million exhibits to the online platform, hitting a record high with 60 percent and 50 percent increases year-on-year respectively.

The online platform, which seamlessly integrates supply and source matchmaking, business negotiations, and information sharing, is creating more opportunities for exhibitors to connect with overseas buyers. The 136th Canton Fair has also debuted a virtual digital assistant and a new Canton Fair App that greatly improved trade convenience for exhibitors and buyers.

"In the past, we could only exhibit when we are physically at the fair, but now with the convergence of online platform and offline tradeshow, we can exhibit around the clock to win more businesses leveraging both our product quality and opportunities brought by the Canton Fair online platform," said Li Bingye, marketing manager of Shijiazhuang Decno Decoration Materials Co., Ltd.

To enhance its online presence, Decno has established a VR booth for detailed product demonstrations. By utilizing the Canton Fair App, Decno is also connecting with more than 50 overseas customers, enabling them to identify high-quality buyers through the provided information and deliver more targeted products and services.

Mr. Liang, the head of sourcing in China for Indonesia's Kawan Lama Group, is another beneficiary of the Canton Fair's online platform. "The suppliers on the online platform are verified and approved by the Canton Fair, and many of them are also industry leaders. This makes them more trustworthy than companies found through other channels," Liang stated.

In today's rapidly evolving global trade environment, the Canton Fair is at the forefront of innovation by effectively combining online and offline experiences to set new standards for industry engagement and connectivity. This strategic initiative aims to establish the Canton Fair as a "market-leading" platform, empowering exhibitors with the ability to engage continuously and offering companies unparalleled opportunities to expand their business horizons.

The 137th Canton Fair will be held from April 15 to May 5, 2025 in Guangzhou. For more information, please visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US

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2025 年 1 月 14 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月十五日
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