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Microban Launches New Nature-Inspired Odor Control Technology

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 437 加入收藏 :

Freshology offers cutting-edge performance by neutralizing a wide range of odors simultaneously, keeping textiles fresher for longer

HUNTERSVILLE, N.C., Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Microban International, a global leader in odor control technology, announces Freshology™, a patent-pending, nature-inspired* solution for combatting odors, at ISPO Munich, December 3–5, booth #508 in hall A3.

The new technology offers advanced performance by neutralizing a wide range of odors, keeping textiles fresher for longer. It meets GB/T 33610 and ISO 17299 testing standards for four of the most common odorants: isovaleric acid (IVA), acetic acid (HOAc), ammonia (NH3) and nonenal, making it a groundbreaking solution for tackling unpleasant smells.

"Freshology was developed by balancing and optimizing performance between different chemical profiles," said Ryan Scott, senior product development chemist at Microban. "The technology offers key advantages for consumers: it effectively traps a wide range of body odors, unlike products that target only one specific odorant. Additionally, it improves moisture management and enhances the softness and feel of treated fabrics."

Freshology is integrated into synthetic materials such as polyester, nylon and spandex during the finishing process and captures odors until the fabric is washed. During washing, the technology releases the trapped odorants, renewing the product's effectiveness. It is nonionic, which allows for the incorporation of additional technologies or treatments during manufacturing without compromising the integrity of the product.

The technology is heavy metal-free, making it a more desirable solution than those with metal-based chemistries. It is also mill-friendly, allowing for easy incorporation into existing manufacturing processes.

Visit the Microban booth during ISPO Munich for an overview of Freshology at 10:00 a.m. each day by James Clayton, director of innovations at Microban.

For additional information on Freshology, please visit https://www.microban.com/odor-control/technologies/freshology.

*The Microban technology used in this product contains plant extracts and minerals found in nature and used in multiple consumer product applications.

About Microban International

Part of Barr Brands International, Microban International is home to the most trusted and well-known global brands in the antimicrobial, odor control and sanitization/disinfection markets: Microban® and Ultra-Fresh®. Our organization has experienced over 100 collective years of growth and has revolutionized the industry. As the global leader, our proactive systems keep products cleaner and control odors better by preventing problems before they start. Microban International drives innovation by combining science and creative solutions that enhance high-quality consumer, textile, industrial and medical products worldwide. Today, the Microban and Ultra-Fresh brands and our technologies are featured on thousands of products worldwide. The company is headquartered in North Carolina and operates in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. For more information, please visit www.microban.com.






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