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Antarctica Advisors International Acts as Investment Banking Co-Advisor in the Sale of World Leading Fishmeal Producer Copeinca to Canada's Cooke

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 437 加入收藏 :

LIMA, Peru, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Antarctica Advisors International Corp, ("Antarctica") the leading Seafood Industry-focused M&A advisory firm, acted as sell-side investment banking co-advisor to the shareholders of Corporacion Pesquera Inca S.A.C. ("Copeinca"), one of the world's largest fishmeal and fish oil producers, in its 100% sale to Cooke Inc. ("Cooke"), one of the leading Seafood producers in the world. Copeinca is the largest fishing company in Peru, with 2,770 employees, 45 vessels and 8 processing plants, producing annually 200,000 MT of fishmeal and 23,000 MT of fish oil for export.

Jose Miguel Tirado, CEO of Copeinca, commented: "We retained the Antarctica team for their unique knowledge of this sector and their global reach to decision makers in this industry."

Glenn Cooke, CEO of Cooke., commented: "Once again the Seafood Team at Antarctica reached out to us with the right acquisition opportunity. They have a unique understanding of the industry's dynamics and of Cooke's growth strategy, making them a great counterpart for our M&A activities around the world."

Ignacio Kleiman, Managing Partner of Antarctica, commented: "Antarctica's bankers make it their business to understand the different Seafood Industry players' goals and strategies by maintaining regular dialogue with their decision makers. This transaction is a great outcome for the shareholders of Copeinca and makes Cooke the single largest fish meal and fish oil producer in the world."

Antarctica is a leading independent investment bank providing M&A advisory services for corporate clients in the Global Seafood Industry. Backed by a highly specialized team of experienced professionals, the firm offers deep expertise across the Seafood Industry's value chain and has a proven track record of successfully executing transactions.

Antarctica Advisors International Corp services only corporate clients outside the U.S. M&A advisory services for clients in the U.S. are provided by Antarctica Advisors LLC. 


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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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