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Blue Planet ranks in Forbes India's Select 200 Global Companies

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 141 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Blue Planet, a pioneering leader in sustainable waste management and circular economy solutions, is thrilled to announce its selection as one of Forbes India's "Select 200" companies. This prestigious recognition, awarded by Forbes India in collaboration with DGEMS, celebrates companies poised for global growth and impact.

Blue Planet on Forbes Select 200
Blue Planet on Forbes Select 200

The Select 200 honors businesses with exceptional innovation, scalability, and a forward-thinking vision that aligns with today's dynamic global landscape. With operations that span Asia and beyond, Blue Planet has positioned itself as a transformative force in sustainable business practices, addressing critical challenges in waste management, resource efficiency, and environmental preservation.

This accolade not only underscores Blue Planet's commitment to sustainability but also solidifies its position on the global stage as a driver of environmental change.

"We are honored to be recognized by Forbes India as one of the top 200 companies with the potential for significant global impact. This selection reaffirms our commitment to creating a cleaner, more sustainable future through innovative waste management solutions," said Mr. Prashant Singh, Co-Founder and CEO, Blue Planet.

As Blue Planet continues to expand its reach, this recognition serves as a powerful milestone in its journey to revolutionize sustainable waste solutions across the globe.

About Blue Planet

Founded in 2017, Blue Planet is a Singapore headquartered company pioneering regional sustainability through technology-driven and IP-based end-to-end solutions for waste management and upcycling. The company has successfully created an innovative technology driven end-to-end waste management platform. The mission is to apply these technologies across various stages of the waste life cycle. Blue Planet is committed to provide circular economy solutions and achieve its vision of zero waste to landfill.

To learn more about Blue Planet, visit: www.blueplanet.asia


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