"Bleach: Brave Souls" Anime Broadcast Celebration Special: Thousand-Year Blood War Zenith Summons: Puppets Begins with Thousand-Year Blood War 2024 Versions of Giselle & Others
TOKYO, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- KLab Inc., a leader in online mobile games, announced that its hit 3D action game Bleach: Brave Souls will be holding the Anime Broadcast Celebration Special: Thousand-Year Blood War Zenith Summons: Puppets to celebrate the broadcasting of the animated TV series, BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Conflict. See the original press release (https://www.klab.com/en/press/) for more information.
KLab Inc., a leader in online mobile games, announced that its hit 3D action game Bleach: Brave Souls will be holding the Anime Broadcast Celebration Special: Thousand-Year Blood War Zenith Summons: Puppets to celebrate the broadcasting of the animated TV series, BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Conflict.
Anime Broadcast Celebration Special: Thousand-Year Blood War Zenith Summons: Puppets Begins
Event Period: Thursday, October 31 16:00 to Friday, November 15 15:59 (JST/UTC+9)
A Summons is being held featuring Thousand-Year Blood War 2024 versions of Giselle Gewelle, Bambietta Basterbine, and Cirucci.
The draw rate for 5 Star characters in this Summons is 6%.
One of the featured 5 Star characters is guaranteed every five Steps of the x10 Summons except for Step 25 and Step 50.
On Steps 25 and 50, players will be given Tickets to receive a 5 Star character of their choosing.
Free Thousand-Year Blood War Summons
Event Period: Thursday, October 31 16:00 to Saturday, November 30 15:59 (JST/UTC+9)
Players can perform the Summons once for free during the event period.
Free Brave Souls Summons: Mix
Event Period: Thursday, October 31 16:00 to Monday, November 18 15:59 (JST/UTC+9)
One free x10 Summons every day for up to ten days.
*Please note that campaign contents and the campaign period are subject to change without notice.
*Please check the in-game news for further details.
Overview of Bleach: Brave Souls
Platform: | iOS /Android™/PC/PS4™/Nintendo Switch/Xbox One |
Genre: | 3D Action |
Price: | Free-to-play (In-game purchases available) |
Official Website: | |
Official X Account: | |
Official Facebook Page: | |
Official YouTube Channel: | |
Official Instagram: | |
Official Discord: | |
Official TikTok: | |
Copyright: | © Tite Kubo/Shueisha, TV TOKYO, dentsu, Pierrot |
© KLabGames |
Download Here:
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1003168863
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.klab.bleach
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1201240/BLEACH_Brave_Souls
PlayStation Store: https://store.playstation.com/concept/10002097
Nintendo eShop: https://nintendo.com/us/store/products/bleach-brave-souls-switch
Xbox Store: https://www.xbox.com/games/store/bleach-brave-souls/9nnrnx65nknb
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