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Amcor plc announces changes to Board of Directors

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 782 加入收藏 :

ZURICH, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Amcor plc (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC) today announced that Graham Chipchase has been nominated as a non-executive director for election at the Company's Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. 

Mr. Chipchase is Chief Executive Office of Brambles Limited (ASX: BXB), a leading supply-chain logistics company operating in more than 60 countries, a position he has held since 2017.  From 2010 to 2016, Mr. Chipchase was Chief Executive Officer of Rexam plc, at that time one of the world's largest consumer packaging companies with operations in over 25 countries. He joined Rexam as Group Finance Director in 2003 before being promoted to Group Director of Plastics Packaging prior to his appointment as CEO in 2010. Before joining Rexam, Mr. Chipchase held finance leadership roles at several leading global companies.  He was a non-Executive Director of AstraZeneca plc from 2012 to 2021, including serving as Chair of the Remuneration Committee.  Mr. Chipchase holds an MA (Hons) Chemistry from Oriel College, Oxford, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.  He was made a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for services to sustainable business in June 2024.

The Board believes Mr. Chipchase's demonstrated leadership experience, including with a global packaging company, and his strong strategic development and finance background with companies supporting the fast moving consumer goods industry, will complement the Board's existing skill set and provide valuable knowledge and perspectives.

Amcor also announced that Ms. Karen Guerra will retire from the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting after many years of dedicated and highly valued service to the Board and the company. Ms. Guerra's fellow Directors thank her for sharing considerable expertise and insights and recognize the significant contribution she has made during her tenure.

About Amcor

Amcor is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions across a variety of materials for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal-care, and other products.  Amcor works with leading companies around the world to protect products, differentiate brands, and improve supply chains. The Company offers a range of innovative, differentiating flexible and rigid packaging, specialty cartons, closures and services. The company is focused on making packaging that is increasingly recyclable, reusable, lighter weight and made using an increasing amount of recycled content. In fiscal year 2024, 41,000 Amcor people generated $13.6 billion in annual sales from operations that span 212 locations in 40 countries.  NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC

www.amcor.com I LinkedIn I YouTube


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