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Picarro Launches Groundbreaking Handheld Solution for Natural Gas Leak Investigation and Closed-Loop Leak Management

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 778 加入收藏 :

Seamlessly integrating with P-Cubed – Picarro's cloud platform – the handheld enables a fully integrated and traceable leak survey process.

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Picarro, a global leader in Natural Gas Leak and Emissions management technologies, today announced the launch of its state-of-the-art Handheld solution, designed for Natural Gas operators.

Picarro’s Handheld solution seamlessly integrates with P-Cubed to provide real-time mapping and traceable leak investigations, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in the field.
Picarro’s Handheld solution seamlessly integrates with P-Cubed to provide real-time mapping and traceable leak investigations, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in the field.

The new Picarro Handheld is designed to transform and digitalize on-foot leak investigation operations. It augments Picarro's trusted mobile leak detection technology, allowing operators to close the loop on the leak management process. The launch represents a significant milestone as it reinforces Picarro's commitment to supporting its customers in their journey towards digitalization and modernization of gas leak survey practices.

The Picarro Handheld device offers part-per-billion (ppb) class methane and ethane detection limits, fast response time, and a compact, ergonomic design. This improved performance envelope enables natural gas operators to reduce investigation time, increase leak find rates and eliminate false negatives of traditional part-per-million (ppm) class of handheld gas detectors.

Most importantly, the Picarro Handheld features a powerful and seamless integration into P-Cubed – Picarro's cloud software platform – to support a fully integrated and traceable leak survey process. Operators can now fully digitize their leak investigation processes and leverage powerful cloud analytics to create a unique, quantifiable, and auditable record of field activities.

"We are thrilled to launch our Picarro Handheld, which reflects our dedication to innovation and our customers' needs. This product not only simplifies the leak detection process but also sets a new standard in productivity and safety for natural gas operators," said Julien Klein, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Picarro. "By combining cutting-edge technology, user-friendly design, and powerful cloud analytics, we empower our customers to enhance their operations and ensure the safety of the communities they serve."

The Picarro Handheld has proven its reliability and effectiveness with several major utilities worldwide. Having undergone rigorous testing for durability against shock, vibration, extreme temperatures, humidity, and dust, it is built for real-world challenges. Customers benefit from an exceptional experience and increased productivity, backed by a team dedicated to their success.

About Picarro

Picarro leads in leak management and emissions reduction, providing operators with tools to revolutionize risk management. The enterprise solution helps lower emissions, optimize asset management, and reduce costs within a unified framework. With Picarro technology and analytics, operators can proactively manage leaks, prioritize critical issues, and assess gas system health and performance.

For further information visit www.picarro.com/gas.

Media Contact:
Tracy Boyd
Marketing Communication
Picarro, Inc.


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