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Elmo Motion Control Exhibiting at Industrial Automation Show in Shanghai, China

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 661 加入收藏 :

Elmo brings live demonstrations to present the power of motion to Hall 5.1 in Booth E181.

PETAH TIKVA, Israel, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elmo Motion Control, a global technology leader in motion control solutions, announces its participation at the annual IAS (Industrial Automation Show) exhibition at NECC in Shanghai, China, from September 24 to September 28. At the show, Elmo will display the Platinum line of servo drives, which include fully certified Functional Safety capabilities in small yet powerful packages, and conduct live demonstrations.


Elmo's featured demonstrations will include an operating customer XYZT stage dynamic demo with four-axis movement controlled by a single multi-axis servo drive – the Platinum Quartet. Also on the floor will be a multi-axis gantry machine from our customer PBA Systems PTE Ltd and more. In addition, visitors can be the first in China to see the future of motion control - the next-generation motion controller with artificial intelligence readiness and a new line of multi-axis servo drives.

"We look forward to greeting visitors at this year's show and presenting the latest Elmo products. On display throughout our booth is the future of motion control and the experience of seeing our multi-axis products in action. This year, we created an environment for machine developers to learn about advanced motion performance for any application in real-time," stated Dr. Wayne Chen, Elmo China GM.

About Elmo Motion Control

Elmo has been a motion control technology leader for over 35 years, with millions of servo drives working 24/7 worldwide. Elmo offers complete motion control solutions from design to delivery of cutting-edge servo drives, network-based multi-axis motion controllers, and integrated servo motors. All solutions can be customized and configured using Elmo's proprietary advanced and easy-to-use software tools for any machine in any industry, such as semiconductors, lasers, robots, life sciences, industrial automation, AGV, and more. The company employs more than 350 personnel with headquarters in Israel and offices in the United States, China, Germany, Italy, Korea, Singapore, and an additional manufacturing facility in Poland. Elmo has a worldwide distribution network. By advancing motion control with state-of-the-art technology, Elmo makes smart machines even smarter. As of 2022, Elmo is a Bosch Rexroth company.  

For more information, visit www.elmomc.com or email marketing@elmomc.com.

Copyright 2024. All brand names are the property of their respective owners and may or may not be trademarked.

Elmo Motion Control:
Robert Dugan, Marketing Manager at Elmo Motion Control
T: +972-(3)-929-2300 (ext. 368)
E: robertd@elmom.com 

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