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Why are Italian and European canned tomatoes so popular in Japanese supermarkets?

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 431 加入收藏 :

Discover more about Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe @ AEON ITABASHI SHOPPING CENTER from the 5th to the 8th of September 2024

TOKYO, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Italian and European Red Gold canned tomatoes – thanks to their guaranteed high quality and versatility in the kitchen – are a staple in the supermarket sector, including the Japanese one.

The processing of Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe starts with the selection of the best quality tomato fruits: fully ripe, bursting with juice, with a good quality of cellulose and without any rot or tears. Then, the selected tomatoes are washed and brought to a high temperature to separate the skin from the flesh.

Next, the peeled tomatoes are screened for damaged fruit, stems or traces of skin using an optical sorter. At this point in the production line, tin cans are filled with the whole peeled tomatoes and their juice, and vacuum-sealed to preserve their freshness and flavour. The next phase in the operation is sterilisation, which eliminates any micro-organisms that could alter the product. 

Red Gold from Europe tomatoes are available in whatever form you want: whole peeled tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, diced tomatoes and tomato passata. In any form, these canned tomatoes are a key ingredient for dishes rich in creativity and tempting aromas. The variety of possible combinations is virtually endless. Apart from the simple (but incomparable) tomato sauce for a tasty pasta dish or to top a pizza, Red Gold from Europe tomatoes can be used with meat, fish, eggs and cheese, and even for dessert. Just let your creativity in the kitchen reign!

Learn more about the different types of canned tomatoes available and their uses by visiting the Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe promotional corner at AEON ITABASHI SHOPPING CENTER from the 5th to the 8th of September 2024, from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 6.00pm. The InStore promotion will be dedicated to showing visitors why Red Gold from Europe canned tomatoes are the perfect and convenient ingredient, to keep in your store cupboard for any situation, even in case of natural emergencies. Just open the can for a taste of the Mediterranean sun! Fill in a short questionnaire and take home with you a lovely shopper for your delicious and nutritious Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe.


Red Gold is the name of the EU (European Union) co-funded project to spread knowledge about EU preserved (canned) tomatoes, 100% Made in Europe.

ANICAV - the Italian Association of Canned Vegetable Industries - members account for over 60% of all the processed tomatoes in Italy, and nearly all of the whole peeled tomatoes produced in the world (including the internationally well-known San Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese-Nocerino DOP).

For more information about Red Gold from Europe, visit our website https://redgoldfromeurope.jp or follow our follow our social media accounts:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redgoldjapan

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redgoldjp/

X: https://x.com/RedGoldJapan1

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@redgoldfromeuropejp

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