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APRIL's Investment Transforms Pangkalan Kerinci into Thriving Industrial Hub

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 294 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, Aug. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- APRIL, a member of the RGE group of companies, announced that it has invested more than Rp100 trillion (approximately US$6.4 billion) in transforming Pangkalan Kerinci from a small village in Pelalawan regency, Riau, into a thriving industrial complex.

APRIL's extensive investment includes the construction of multiple production units, such as pulp and paper mills, viscose rayon plants, and packaging paper mills, which have been instrumental in driving economic growth in the region and positively impacted the local economy and community.

In the area of job creation, APRIL has become one of the largest employers in Riau province, employing 13,312 workers across its facilities and business units as of 2023. This marks a remarkable 54% increase in employment since 2019, driven by the company's operational expansion to supply rayon fibre materials and packaging paper. Additionally, APRIL indirectly supports 26,128 workers involved in managing facilities in its operational areas.

Through its community development programme, APRIL has also directly supported 218 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) linked to its operations, creating over 5,000 jobs. The company also nurtures 87 MSMEs in various sectors, further contributing to the local economy.

Additionally, APRIL is committed to enhancing education in the region and has since trained 1,034 teachers and local facilitators as part of its school development programme. The company also supports underprivileged students by offering them academic scholarships, which have benefitted 250 high school students and 99 university students to-date. Moreover, APRIL collaborates with four vocational schools through the Teaching Factory (TeFa) programme, which grants employment to students at APRIL's operations upon completion of the programme.

APRIL continues to contribute to the economic growth in Riau. In early 2024, APRIL commenced trial operations at its new packaging paper mill, PT Riau Andalan Paperboard International (RAPI). With an investment of Rp33.4 trillion (approximately US$2.15 billion), this facility is projected to produce 1.2 million tons of sustainable packaging paper annually and is expected to create over 600 new jobs, further contributing to Indonesia's development.

APRIL remains dedicated to fostering economic independence and sustainable development in the communities it serves. The company's ongoing commitment to job creation, community empowerment, and education will continue to drive positive change in Pangkalan Kerinci and beyond.

About APRIL Group – www.aprilasia.com
Group APRIL Group is a leading producer of fibre, pulp and paper with plantations and manufacturing operations in Riau Province, Indonesia. We are committed to sustainability in our business and in the broader landscapes where we operate. Under our production-protection model, we adopted a unique 1-for-1 goal where we aim to conserve one hectare of forest for every hectare of plantation, and currently conserve and restore about 360,000 hectares of forests, including the largest peatland restoration project in Indonesia. For more information, visit www.aprilasia.com and follow Twitter @aprilpulp.

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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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