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HARIO's Coffee Dripper Like No Other: Introducing Unique Coffee Dripper SUIREN Transforming Daily Brew into Extra Special Moment

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 441 加入收藏 :

- HARIO Offers Unique Coffee Experience for Customers with Dripper That They Can Assemble and Make Their Very Own -

TOKYO, Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HARIO CO., LTD., headquartered in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, a Japanese heatproof glass manufacturer that produces and sells V60 Coffee Dripper, has released the first-ever assembly-type coffee dripper called SUIREN.

In this novel concept, HARIO removed the walls between the ribs, which are the main feature of the V60 Coffee Dripper, and created a dripper that consists only of petal-like ribs. These petal-like ribs are available in 6 different colors sold separately, allowing customers to assemble them like blocks to create their own unique colorful dripper.

Image1: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105322/202408064651/_prw_PI3fl_6ru0dkQG.jpg 

Image2: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105322/202408064651/_prw_PI4fl_m3rfys61.jpg 

Users can customize the colors to match national flags, their favorite themes, or sports teams, resulting in over a billion combinations. SUIREN has inherited the basic structure of the V60 Coffee Dripper and maintains the taste of coffee customers get with HARIO quality.

The name "SUIREN'' comes from the product's resemblance to a water lily flower. Users can brew coffee as if arranging flowers in a vase, making it a delightful addition to their cafe or home decor. SUIREN will make them want to brew a cup of coffee as soon as they get their hands on it.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USPMG1ShUeQ
Product info: https://global.hario.com/product/new/VDSU.html
Press release: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105322/202408064651/_prw_PI5fl_X805Jbg4.jpg 


HARIO was founded in 1921 as a manufacturer of laboratory products made of heatproof glass. HARIO owns the only heatproof glass factory in Japan and manufactures a broad range of products that make people's daily lives happier and richer, including the V60, traditional coffee brewing tools such as syphons and French presses, tea items, and kitchen utensils.

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2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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