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Antimicrobial Materials Sector Surges Amid Hygiene and Health Revolution

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 711 加入收藏 :

Pandemic-Driven Demand Shifts Focus to Safe, Durable, and Natural Compounds

SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The antimicrobial materials industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, fuelled by a heightened focus on hygiene and cleanliness post-pandemic. Customers in the plastics, coatings, textiles, fabrics, and ceramics sectors are now prioritising sustainability, hygiene, and health impacts over aesthetics and utility.

This shift has spurred materials manufacturers to innovate, resulting in the development of antimicrobial materials - a breakthrough capturing customer interest and generating significant growth opportunities.

Frost & Sullivan forecasts a robust CAGR of 14.7% for the antimicrobial materials industry from 2023 to 2030, projecting the global total addressable market to approach $61 billion by the end of the period.

The antimicrobial materials industry is set for a transformational journey, with hygiene and health at the forefront. For further information on this analysis, please click here

Customer preferences are rapidly evolving towards materials that prevent spoilage and decay while ensuring human safety. Technological advancements are making these materials more effective, accessible, and affordable, facilitating their application across various industries:

  • Healthcare: Alternative materials are revolutionising packaging, medical devices, safe paints for healthcare environments, and hospital utilities.
  • Food Packaging: Antimicrobial materials are gaining traction in regions with high consumption of meats, poultry, and fresh-cut produce.
  • Textiles and Fabrics: Offering skin-safe applications, durability, and safety, antimicrobial textiles are in demand for medical textiles, functional clothing, and fabrics for curtains, coverings, and mattresses.
  • Films and Coatings: Antimicrobial films and coatings can be applied to various industries by coating existing materials, enhancing their properties without significant manufacturing changes.

The market is highly competitive, with players like Avient, Sarex, Ultra Fresh, and NIChem focusing on specific segments. This decade will see intensified competition and significant innovations poised to disrupt the industry.

Frost & Sullivan anticipates close collaboration between end-user industries and additive companies to tackle challenges and deliver optimal solutions. "Cross-industry collaboration is crucial as each market has unique dynamics and regulatory requirements. Collaborative efforts can streamline R&D, manufacturing, and distribution processes, resulting in innovative antimicrobial solutions with broad applications," highlights Dr. Brian Balmer, Growth Expert at Frost & Sullivan.

Antimicrobial Plastics and Textiles Leading the Way:

  • Plastics: Dominated by metallic additives, particularly silver-ion technology, the segment also sees innovative solutions like Aptar's Invisishield, based on chlorine dioxide technology.
  • Textiles and Fabrics: Expected to grow at a remarkable 19.2% CAGR, driven by demand for antimicrobial medical textiles, functional clothing, and sportswear. Antimicrobial textiles prevent microbial growth, ensuring hygiene and performance, particularly in sportswear and undergarments.

Industry Partnerships Paving the Path Forward:

  • R&D Partnerships: Collaborative research and development can produce efficient antimicrobial solutions for diverse applications.
  • Economies of Scale: Joint efforts can lead to cost savings in manufacturing, procurement, and distribution.
  • Commercial Advantages: Programmes like Biocote's partnership initiative highlight the benefits of co-branding and supply of top-tier antimicrobial additives.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation, and leadership. The company's Growth Pipeline as a Service provides the CEO and the CEO's Growth Team with transformational strategies and best-practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth initiatives. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 60 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses, and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents.

To engage with our growth experts for more information, click here


Kristina Menzefricke
Marketing & Communications
Global Customer Experience, Frost & Sullivan
+44 (0)20 331 01228

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