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OAV's Outstanding Achievement: Winning the Manager Excellence Award 2024 in the Central region

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 386 加入收藏 :

In the increasingly competitive woodworking machinery industry, OAV’s General Manager, Dennis Liu, has been distinguished with the Excellence Manager Award 2024 in the Central Region of Taiwan. His professional management, strategic vision, and rapid, effective crisis management, along with OAV's excellent corporate culture, have set him apart. This honor fully recognizes OAV’s outstanding achievements in the woodworking machinery field and showcases its leadership in small and medium-sized woodworking machinery.

Striving for Excellence: The Story Behind OAV's Award
From a small band saw manufacturer to now providing a diverse range of products to over 120 global distributors, OAV has always believed in the principle, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” This guiding principle underpins both our products and services.

This honor not only recognizes OAV’s commitment to excellence but also marks an important milestone in our management and operations. It represents the hard work and persistence of every employee at OAV, acknowledging our team’s achievements and serving as the best proof of our continuous self-improvement and pursuit of excellence.
Deepening International Presence: Providing the Best Quality Service
In product development and sales, OAV designs and develops products tailored to the needs of different regional customer bases, continuously improving quality to stabilize existing customers, and expand new ones. Through satisfaction surveys, we consistently gather customer and employee feedback, creating a more comfortable work environment and meeting customer demands.

Founded 43 years ago, OAV has navigated multiple global economic downturns by actively communicating, adjusting, and enhancing staff training to improve departmental expertise. This preparation enabled us to efficiently manage production lines and personnel even during the pandemic, ensuring we could handle the surge in orders, deliver on time, and fulfill all commitments.
Additionally, OAV is committed to sustainable development. For example, we have joined the Low Carbon Alliance, installed solar panels, and regularly host blood donation activities. We also prioritize employee welfare, education, employment, and economic enhancement by creating a safe and efficient work environment, participating in cooperative education,and working with suppliers and industry partners to promote Taiwanese brands globally. These efforts reflect OAV’s commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility.

In recent years, the industry has experienced significant fluctuations due to the pandemic, but OAV has maintained and improved customer satisfaction through high-quality, stable, and comprehensive services. General Manager Dennis Liu firmly believes in "People first." Whether for internal employees or external partners, we strive to support each other, face challenges together, and achieve extraordinary results.


Ching-shui Factory
No. 96 Wu-tso 1st Street, Ching-shui Dist., Taichung City 436043, Taiwan

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2025 年 1 月 19 日 (星期日) 農曆十二月二十日
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