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ORing Pioneers the Industry with the Release of its First Industrial SPE Switch

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 273 加入收藏 :

TAIPEI, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading industrial networking solution provider ORing announced the launch of its groundbreaking industrial SPE (Single-Pair Ethernet) switch, marking a significant advancement in Ethernet technology. With the ability to transmit data at 10Mbps over a distance of 1000 meters, ten times longer than conventional Ethernet networks, and support for Power over Ethernet, the switch is expected to drive innovative industrial IoT applications.

SPE is an Ethernet networking technology that transmits data at speeds ranging from 10Mbit to 1Gbit using only one pair of wires. Compared to traditional Ethernet systems with two or four pairs, SPE offers multiple advantages. By utilizing thinner cable wires, it reduces space requirements and simplifies installation. Every 100 meters of cabling reduces weight by 1.6 kilograms, making installation operations more convenient. Moreover, the simplified installation process not only saves material and labor costs during the construction of new factories but also facilitates the integration of on-site devices and sensors into existing network environments without additional gateways or interface converters. Furthermore, SPE supports longer cable lengths, making it applicable in various scenarios including building automation, autonomous vehicles, elevator control, production line control, robotic arms, motor control, sensor connectivity, and legacy network upgrades.

ORing's newly launched ITPS-141TX-T1L industrial-grade SPE switch is a revolutionary product that effectively meets the evolving connectivity needs of the industry. This product complies with the IEEE 802.3cg 10Base-T1L, enabling transmission distances of up to 1 kilometer at 10Mbps transmission rates. It is particularly suitable for industrial environments requiring long-distance, low-speed data transmission, such as control and sensor data transmission, making it an excellent choice for various industrial IoT applications. In addition, this switch supports full-duplex communication and point-to-point network topologies, which ensures simultaneous data transmission and reception between connected devices, thereby reducing latency, improving throughput, and enhancing network security and efficiency. Through the IEEE 802.3bu PoDL (Power over Data Lines) standard, each port can output up to 30 watts of power, providing highly efficient network power supply capabilities. As this innovative switch can easily integrate with existing Ethernet network devices, customers can leverage existing investments while reducing the complexity and cost of cabling.


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2025 年 2 月 16 日 (星期日) 農曆正月十九日
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