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MytePro Recognized in IDC Report: Generative AI Revolutionizes Marketing Paradigms

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 967 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As AI technology rapidly advances, it has become a key force driving business innovation and applications. Recently, IDC China released an authoritative report on AI marketing, - "Generative AI Revolutionizes Marketing Paradigms." MytePro is the only real estate digital solution vendor selected for this report.

Pioneered Real Estate AI Solutions

MytePro pioneered AI models for the real estate industry in the Asia-Pacific, using AI content generation and smart analytics to enhance market awareness, channel operations, and advertising efficiency, precisely achieving marketing goals.

In the market awareness stage, users can leverage AI-generated creative content to effectively enhance delivery efficiency and reach. During channel operations, AI analytical algorithms allow users to evaluate the efficiency and output of each channel in real-time, enabling timely adjustments for optimal performance. For advertising, the AI analysis engine provides targeted content tailored to different scenarios such as EDM, video marketing, content marketing, and event marketing. In customer conversion, marketing optimization, and repeat purchase scenarios, AI algorithms accurately identify and predict customer needs, guiding the optimization of marketing strategies.

MytePro Video Marketing Agents

This year, MytePro launched the Video Marketing Agents product, covering the entire process from content creation, channel distribution, lead management, to conversion, aiding real estate companies in successful customer acquisition. During content creation, AI automates scriptwriting, video editing, and platform publishing. During live broadcasts, real estate agents can use MytePro's live streaming tool to simultaneously explain, showcase, and interact, providing buyers with a clearer understanding of project features and collecting their contact information. After acquiring leads, companies can use AI sales agents to interact with buyers in real-time, promoting final conversions.

Achievements and Vision

Real estate sales are characterized by high value, low frequency, and unique products, with a small buyer base, long marketing cycles, complex scenarios, and low conversion rates. For 27 years, MytePro has leveraged digital technology to help developers overcome these marketing challenges.

About MytePro

MytePro offers a wide range of products and services tailored for property developers, urban infrastructure contractors and industrial park operators. Our solutions facilitate digital transformation across investment, construction, marketing, operations, and management.

Partnering with a robust ecosystem of industry leaders, we deliver application software, industry research, management training, digital consulting, software development and maintenance services to our clients.

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