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JETOUR Debuts at the 31st GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show 2024, Further Accelerating Globalization

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 263 加入收藏 :

JAKARTA, Indonesia, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 17, 2024, JETOUR officially launched two right-hand drive models, the JETOUR DASHING and the JETOUR X70 PLUS. Following the debut in Malaysia in May 2024, the launching event at GIIAS not only marks another milestone of JETOUR Auto's journey in global RHD market but also shows its determination to accelerate the globalization strategy.

Global Strategy: JETOUR's Journey Overseas

At the press conference, Mr. Kevin Xu, Vice President of JETOUR International, stated, "Since its establishment in 2018, JETOUR Auto has adhered to the Travel+ strategy, focusing on "Travel+" automotive niche market. In just 70 months, we have achieved 1.18 million-unit cumulative sales and 47 million followers worldwide. With high-quality products and outstanding service, we have succeeded in many markets."

RHD products debut: JETOUR's new chapter

At the auto show, the JETOUR DASHING and X70 PLUS RHD models have gained favor among customers. The JETOUR DASHING is a trendy SUV designed for young generation, while the JETOUR X70 PLUS is a spacious and intelligent SUV for travel. Each model has its own distinctive features, catering to diverse consumer needs.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jacky Yang, President Director of PT JETOUR Motor Indonesia, stated, "Our main strategy is to increase brand awareness to be recognized as a high-quality and innovative SUV brand in Indonesia. JETOUR Motor Indonesia is committed to the "Travel+" strategy, accelerating the development and introduction of PHEV and BEV to meet the needs in Indonesia."

Achieving 150,000-unit sales target in 5 years in Indonesia

Mr. Michael Budihardja, Sales & Network Director of PT JETOUR MOTOR INDONESIA, stated, "Over the next five years, JETOUR will establish 100 sales and service networks in Indonesia, aiming to achieve a sales target of 150,000 units." He also mentioned that JETOUR will accelerate the introduction of more models, including off-road products of T series showcased at the Beijing Auto Show in April this year, as well as new energy vehicles. JETOUR will continuously innovate and optimize products to meet diverse demands in Indonesia, offering new driving experience to the Indonesian market.

From Malaysia to Indonesia, JETOUR is accelerating its globalization in right-hand drive markets. Globalization has become a core strategy in JETOUR's growth. In the future, JETOUR will focus on developing more globalized products, aiming to provide more comfortable cars for global users and create a better travel experience worldwide.

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