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Relativity Announces OpenAI ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API Integration

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 568 加入收藏 :

This integration allows for the seamless collection of conversational data from ChatGPT Enterprise

CHICAGO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Relativity, a global legal technology company, today announced it is integrating with OpenAI's ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API. The integration adds ChatGPT Enterprise as a Collect in RelativityOne data source, allowing users to seamlessly collect and process human-to-AI conversational data.


With 92% of Fortune 500 companies already using OpenAI in their business, ChatGPT Enterprise helps organizations deploy AI to their workforce at scale and offers enterprise-grade security and privacy. The integration gives organizations improved transparency of a custodian or entity's prompts entered into ChatGPT Enterprise and the output of AI-generated response data for relevant legal matters.

"The future around human and AI interaction is changing rapidly, calling for innovative legal data management solutions to include novel data sources, such as conversations with AI agents," said Chris Brown, Chief Product Officer at Relativity. "In answering that call, we are committed to equipping our community with the tools they need to traverse the evolving future of human-to-AI conversational data and putting users in control of this new data landscape."

RelativityOne customers and partners can seamlessly capture prompt and response data from ChatGPT Enterprise for easy review in a near-native format. This new capability automatically converts relevant human-to-AI conversational data, as well as associated metadata and AI-generated files, into Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF). It can then be seamlessly reviewed in the RelativityOne Viewer, ensuring reviewers can intuitively navigate the intricacies of conversational interactions and related metadata, such as images created by OpenAI's text-to-image model DALL•E and custom GPTs, in their ChatGPT Enterprise workspace.

OpenAI's ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API allows ChatGPT Enterprise workspace owners to obtain logs of all conversations and GPTs in their workspaces, integrating with e-discovery, data loss prevention, or security information and event management tools. The API offers functionalities to export or delete ChatGPT Enterprise conversations and files, with read permissions granting access to lists and details of workspace conversations, GPTs, users, and memories, and delete permissions allowing removal of specific data.

About Relativity
Relativity makes software to help users organize data, discover the truth and act on it. Its SaaS product, RelativityOne, manages large volumes of data and quickly identifies key issues during litigation and internal investigations. Relativity has more than 300,000 users in approximately 40 countries serving thousands of organisations globally primarily in legal, financial services and government sectors. Please contact Relativity at sales@relativity.com or visit www.relativity.com for more information.

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