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AEWIN Performant Storage Server, BIS-5121A/5222A Series, has been Applied to Reliable Backup and Recovery Solutions

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 466 加入收藏 :

TAIPEI, July 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AEWIN Technologies Co., Ltd (doing business as AEWIN) has launched Performant Storage Server, BIS-5121A/5222A Series which has been selected to build backup and recovery solution with the best TCO to provide efficient cybersecurity protection. With extraordinary scalability, high performance, and excellent drive redundancy, AEWIN BIS-5121A/5222A Series is perfect for reliable backup and rapid recovery.

AEWIN Storage Server
AEWIN Storage Server

Cyber-attacks, natural disasters, hardware failures, human errors, and any other threats have taken place which may cause data loss or service interruption. The market of backup and recovery solution is driven by the ever-growing need to protect data and ensure business continuity in such changeable world. Worldwide cybersecurity solution providers are looking for cost-effective hardware solution with great flexibility and AEWIN stand out from the others.

AEWIN BIS-5121A/5222A Series is powered by single or dual Intel Ice Lake Scalable Processors for high computing power with outstanding cost effectiveness and optional Intel QAT (QuickAssist Technology) support for enhanced efficiency of data encryption. In addition to the resilience of Intel Xeon Scalable processors, the series offers options of 1U (4x 3.5" HDD), 2U (12x 3.5" HDD), 4U (24x 3.5" HDD) to adapt to different scenarios.

For drive redundancy, it supports on-board RAID, PCIe RAID card, and VROC from Intel Xeon CPU. In addition to RAID cards, the five PCIe slots are also suitable for Network Interface Cards and other accelerators. Moreover, there are two CRPS power supplies to enhance the reliability.

The BIS-5121A/5222A Series backup and recovery solution can prevent data loss with minimized downtime benefited from its performance and flexible design. Automated remote backup in real-time without the need of manual intervention increases the efficiency and consistency of the cyber protection. For more information, please check with our latest solution video/Tech Blog or contact AEWIN sales at any time.


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