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China-Europe Freight Train Service Linking N. China Cangzhou Huanghua Port, Moscow in Regular Operation

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 482 加入收藏 :

CANGZHOU, China, July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A cargo train carrying 30 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of containers of goods departed on June 25 from Huanghua Port in Cangzhou, north China's Hebei Province, en route to Moscow, capital of Russia, marking the regular monthly operation of a new international route for the China-Europe freight train service.

Hailed as a paradigm of the "Belt and Road" initiative and win-win cooperation, the China-Europe freight train serves as a vital link between China and Europe, utilizing land bridges and fostering international cooperation along its route.
Hailed as a paradigm of the "Belt and Road" initiative and win-win cooperation, the China-Europe freight train serves as a vital link between China and Europe, utilizing land bridges and fostering international cooperation along its route.

The 8,000-kilomter long China-Europe international freight train journey is expected take 15 days. The first Huanghua port-Moscow freight train service was launched on May 13th and operated regularly with monthly departures. The China-Europe freight train service connecting Huanghua port and Moscow is expected to assemble containers along the route from several cities including Cangzhou and Langfang in Hebei province, as well as Zibo, Qingdao, and Dezhou in east China's Shandong province. The cargo goods range from forklift trucks, tires, wheels, vehicle parts, to food packaging materials.

Hailed as a paradigm of the "Belt and Road" initiative and win-win cooperation, the China-Europe freight train serves as a vital link between China and Europe, utilizing land bridges and fostering international cooperation along its route.

Since its inception in 2016, the China-Europe freight train service has connected 112 cities within China, reached over 200 cities in 25 European countries and more than 100 cities in 11 Asian countries. The China-Europe freight train service has enhanced regional opening-up, expanded economic and trade exchanges, and improved people's well-being in countries along the routes.

Cangzhou has vowed to boost logistics industry at Huanghua Port, in a bid to beef up regional and international economic development and communications. The regular operation of the China-Europe freight train linking Cangzhou Huanghua port and Moscow is a robust support for expanding the port's international reach, enhancing international trade routes, and promoting connectivity. This service significantly boosts bilateral and multilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries.

As a key hub connecting Hebei province to markets in Europe and Asia, Cangzhou has strived to build up a new platform for supply chain collaboration, and optimize China-Europe freight train service to streamline logistics channels.

Cangzhou, together with Huanghua Port's strategic location and logistical potential, continues to explore new international logistics pathways combining sea and rail, and contributes to Chinese endeavor to modernization.

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2025 年 1 月 14 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月十五日
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