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Lalahome Unveiled Another Pioneering Product: the Lalahome Realfountain Smart Eco-system Pet Fountain

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 354 加入收藏 :

ANAHEIM, Calif., May 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Since its debut on Realscooper, the Lalahome brand has remained committed to rigorous research and development efforts. This dedication has led to the unveiling of another pioneering product: the LALAHOME RealFountain Smart Eco-System Pet Fountain. This innovative addition to their lineup has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Muse Gold Award for Product Design - Animals & Pets (NEW), highlighting its revolutionary approach to addressing the hydration needs of pets. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that LALAHOME's Realscooper also received the 2024 Muse Gold winner award, along with the BlogPaws Best Tech Product accolade.

What sets the RealFountain apart is its innovative OxygenZ mode, designed to mimic the natural flow of river water, thereby increasing oxygen levels in the water and enhancing its taste. This feature not only entices cats to drink more water but also helps prevent urinary stones, ensuring the well-being of our feline friends.

One of the most notable features of the RealFountain is its DailyFresh mechanism. This autonomous system eliminates the need for manual intervention by automatically extracting wastewater from the water basin and replenishing it with clean water from the reservoir. This ensures that stagnant water becomes a thing of the past, as pets can now enjoy fresh water every single day.

With an impressive Ultra-Large Capacity of 10 liters, facilitated by a dual-bucket design, this fountain guarantees a continuous supply of water to meet the drinking way needs of pets of all sizes.

To accommodate the diverse preferences of various pet breeds, the fountain boasts Multi-Height Drinking Stations with three distinct water levels. Whether it's a deep water zone for small to medium-sized dogs, a shallow water zone for cats who prefer paw-sipping, or a high water zone for those who enjoy flowing water, every pet's needs are catered to.

With additional features such as UV Sterilization for a bacteria-free drinking experience, Ecological Cat Grass for promoting oral health, and App Control for remote management via the app, the RealFountain offers unparalleled convenience and functionality.

The Advanced Filtration system, comprising a five-layer filtration mechanism, guarantees clean and pure water, ensuring that pets receive the best water with every sip.

For those interested in learning more, the RealFountain is LIVE NOW on Indiegogo as of May 9th, 2024. For further details, please visit the provided crowdfunding link: https://bit.ly/3URTuxP

Lalahome's RealFountain Smart Eco-System Pet Fountain promises to redefine pet drinking way, setting new standards in pet care innovation.

For media enquiries, please contact: media@lalahome.com.

LALAHOME DailyFresh™ RealFountain
LALAHOME DailyFresh™ RealFountain


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2024 年 9 月 9 日 (星期一) 農曆八月初七日
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