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The World's First 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop with Auto Changing Disposable Mop Pad Celebrates National Pet Month

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 319 加入收藏 :

CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Noesis, a leading innovator in robotic floor cleaning, is celebrating May's National Pet Month by announcing a $200 discount (to $1,599.00) for the Noesis F10 Pro, the world's first 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop that uses a fresh new mop for every cleaning session. With its Mop Pad Auto Change 2.0 technology, the Noesis F10 Pro redefines cleaning with its intelligent performance.

"The Noesis F10 Pro is the perfect housekeeper for homes with pets," said Seasone Zhang, R&D Director of Noesis. "Besides its revolutionary auto mop change technology, our product's anti-tangle brush makes quick work of hairs stuck to floors and carpets. We designed the Noesis F10 Pro to clean up after our furry companions so our users can have more time for things that matter."

Cleans like the first time, every time

Featuring the Mop Pad Auto Change 2.0 technology, the Noesis F10 Pro automatically discards and stores dirty mop pads at the base station. Unlike traditional robot mops, with their potential for bacterial growth on the reusable mop pad, Noesis' breakthrough design uses a clean mop pad for each cleaning. By using fresh mop pads, the Noesis F10 Pro delivers consistent mopping performance, retaining its effectiveness over time.

Traditional 2-in-1 robot vacuums collect the excess liquids generated during the mopping process inside a dirty water tank, which has the potential to harbor large amounts of bacteria. They can also contain debris and hairs that may clog household plumbing when flushed. Conversely, the Noesis F10 Pro's replaceable mop pads soak up any liquid encountered during its cleaning routine. Once replaced, the mop pads are stored inside the base station to be safely discarded.

Powerful, quiet, and efficient cleaning

The Noesis F10 Pro's unique D-shaped design allows it to effectively sweep inside corners and edges. This design is not only functional but also elegant; the Noesis F10 Pro features clean, defined contours that seamlessly complement modern homes furnishings. The same design language is translated to the base station.

Other robot 2-in-1 mops on the market may use automatic mop washing and drying features to stay effective, but the process can take hours and generate distracting noise. Since the Noesis F10 Pro only needs to change the mop pads, it reduces the wait time between cleaning sessions and stays silent while docked.

For vacuuming, the Noesis F10 Pro pairs a high-flow air duct design with its powerful suction to leave an exceptionally clean floor. Incorporating taller and denser rubber baffle bars around the vents helps the Noesis F10 Pro vacuum more effectively [1]. And with its anti-tangle rubber roller brush, the Noesis F10 Pro reveals trapped particles deep inside carpets and substantially reduces hair from wrapping around the brush, maintaining its cleaning performance.

For mopping, the Noesis F10 Pro features the Dynamic Scrub technology, which applies pressure and vibrates the mop pad at up to 420 times per minute to remove stubborn dirt, leaving the floor surfaces polished and streak-free.

Intelligent convenience

To achieve worry-free autonomy, the Noesis F10 Pro is equipped with wide-view Laser Distance Sensor (LDS) Navigation to quickly map the home and plan out the most efficient cleaning paths. Leveraging the Dual NeuralVision Obstacle Detection allows the Noesis F10 Pro to effortlessly navigate around obstacles such as furniture, shoes, socks, and wires, even if they're flat against the floor surface.

Users have total control over how the robot does its job. In addition to scheduling cleaning, setting virtual boundaries, and defining how frequently the mop pads need to be changed within the companion smartphone app, users can select specific areas to be cleaned and view comprehensive cleaning reports after every session.


To celebrate National Pet Month in May, the Noesis F10 Pro is currently $200 off on Amazon, now available at $1,599.00.

Visit Noesisrobotics.com to learn more.

About Noesis

Noesis is the indoor robotics division of Positec Group Limited, a multi-award-winning global innovation business with extensive expertise in robotics and consumer electronics. Backed by Positec's vast R&D and business resources, Noesis aims to enhance people's lives through innovative cleaning technologies. Positec is a global marketing and manufacturing company with offices worldwide. Since 1999, Positec has established an extensive international sales network with branches in the U.S., U.K., Italy, Australia, and Germany.

Media contact
Ruoming Li
PR Manager

[1] Based on internal testing against comparable competitor's robot vacuum mops.

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2025 年 1 月 16 日 (星期四) 農曆十二月十七日
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