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Revolutionising Fuel Management: Geotab Launches Innovative Fuel Harness for Southeast Asian Markets

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1002 加入收藏 :

BANGKOK, April 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Geotab Inc. ("Geotab"®), a global leader in connected vehicle technology, today announced the availability of its Fuel Gauge Tap-In Harness ("Fuel Harness") solution tailored for the Southeast Asia (SEA) markets. The Fuel Harness used in tandem with telematics will aid in monitoring driver behaviour and help drivers reduce fuel consumption by maximising their efficiency and track excessive idle time, which reduces overall fuel expenditures.

In the SEA region, especially in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, a prevalent challenge faced by fleet operators is the lack of fuel-level data visibility. This lack of information impedes businesses from effectively monitoring fuel consumption trends and optimizing operational efficiency.

Geotab's Fuel Harness addresses this challenge head-on by tapping into the fuel gauge, providing access to crucial fuel-level data for vehicles where such information is traditionally inaccessible through the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) or On-board Diagnostic (OBD) ports. 

We observed that it is common for commercial vehicles in the region to lack fuel consumption data, this solution aims to empower fleet operators with comprehensive insights into fuel usage and fill-ups.

"We are excited to introduce our Fuel Harness solution to the SEA markets, offering a game-changing tool for fleet management," said David Brown, Associate Vice President, Sales, APAC at Geotab. "Our solution not only fills the gap in fuel data accessibility but also ensures affordability and compatibility across a wide range of vehicles."

Key features and benefits of Geotab's Fuel Harness include:

  • Enhanced operational efficiency through fuel usage tracking
  • Reduction in fuel costs by identifying and mitigating fuel-inefficient behaviors
  • Compatibility with vehicles both with and without diagnostic ports
  • Affordable and cost-efficient solution tailored for the Southeast Asian market

Geotab's Fuel Harness is complemented by a user-friendly software tool designed to streamline the configuration process post-installation, ensuring seamless integration with the vehicle's make and model. Moreover, by connecting to the Geotab platform, businesses gain access to actionable insights on fuel consumption trends, proactive vehicle maintenance alerts, and customizable fuel management rules.

For a full list of supported vehicle models and to learn more about Geotab's comprehensive fuel management solution, visit https://www.geotab.com/apac/fleet-management-solutions/fleet-fuel-management/

About Geotab

Geotab is a global leader in connected transportation solutions. We provide telematics — vehicle and asset tracking — solutions to over 50,000 customers in 160 countries. For more than 20 years, we have invested in ground-breaking data research and innovation to enable partners and customers (including Fortune 500 and public sector organisations) to transform their fleets and operations. We connect to over 4 million vehicles and process more than 75 billion data points a day so that customers can make better decisions, increase productivity, have safer fleets and achieve their sustainability goals. Geotab's open platform and Marketplace offer hundreds of third-party solution options. Backed by a team of industry-leading data scientists and AI experts, Geotab is unlocking the power of data to understand real-time and predictive analytics — solving today's challenges for tomorrow's world. To learn more, visit www.geotab.com/apac, follow @GEOTAB on X and LinkedIn or visit the Geotab Blog.

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