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South Korea's Jin Air Installs Komy's Aircraft Mirrors

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1171 加入收藏 :

KAWAGUCHI, Japan, April 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jin Air Co., Ltd., a low-cost carrier (with an identifier of LJ/JNA) based in Seoul, South Korea, reached an agreement with Komy Co., Ltd. headquartered in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, to install KomyMirror in the overhead stowage bins for Jin Air's fleet of 22 aircraft. Jin Air just completed the mirror installation in February 2024.

Image: Jin Air (B737-800)

Jin Air is one of carriers that fly to Japan, alongside Korean Air and Asiana Airlines.

Komy had been inquiring with Jin Air about the feasibility of employing mirrors through Korean Air, which had already installed mirrors. However, Komy learned that Jin Air was unsure if the installation cost would be worth its benefits. But later, Jin Air made a specific request to install the mirror, and Komy and Jin Air reached this agreement.

Jin Air deployed the mirror for a few reasons. The airline found out that some passengers and cabin crew were climbing on seats or armrests to check overhead stowage bins for forgotten items. This not only causes damage to the cabin equipment but also puts them at risk of falling from a higher place.

Jin Air learned that installing the mirror would enable passengers to inspect the bottoms of overhead stowage bins even while standing on the floor, allowing other passengers to exit smoothly and without being left waiting in the aisles.

Other airlines have reported that the mirror also assists cabin crew in detecting suspicious objects in the cabin before and after boarding at an early stage.

As a result of this agreement, Komy received an order to install the mirror on 18 Boeing 737 series aircraft and four 777s. Jin Air began to install the mirror in November 2023 for completion in February 2024.

Komy recommends that carriers install its mirrors and passengers try them aboard planes.

Jin Air is a leading low-cost carrier operating in Asia, affiliated with Korean Air. It was established in January 2008. Jin Air began its services to Japan in July 2011 on the Seoul-Sapporo (Shin-Chitose) route. At present, it operates on routes from major airports in Japan to Seoul and Busan. Also, it will operate flights to Shimojishima Airport on Miyakojima island from May.

For more information about Komy's aircraft mirror, please visit: https://www.komy.com/air/shorten-aircraft-turns/application 

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2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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