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Prime Focus Technologies unveils CLEAR® Conversational AI Co-Pilot at NAB 2024

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 498 加入收藏 :

Revolutionizes how you engage with content, from its creation to distribution.

LOS ANGELES, April 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Prime Focus Technologies (PFT), a pioneer in AI technology solutions for the Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry, today announced the launch of CLEAR® Conversational AI Co-Pilot at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show 2024. With Gen AI inside CLEAR®, this innovative feature is poised to revolutionize (1) how enterprises engage with content beyond mere search capabilities and (2) user experience by offering a new approach to interact with content, organize, and execute workflows through simple chat across the content value chain.

Say goodbye to complex searches and tedious content management tasks. Chat and let CLEAR® Conversational AI understand your needs and deliver accurate outcomes. Here's how it revolutionizes your workflow: 

  • Content Management: 
    • Chat to search content
    • Chat with your content library to enable Dedup and Archive Management.
  • Content Creation: 
    • Chat to build Content Highlights: Receive suggestions for trailers and highlights.
  • Content Marketing & Distribution
    Chat with CLEAR® AI and drive actions like
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Localization

Transforming Streaming Experience: A Personal Content Curator
CLEAR® AI revolutionizes the consumer experience, transforming engagement with their favorite content. Imagine effortlessly finding shows or movies simply by speaking a phrase. Want to revisit memorable scenes from a film or explore your favorite actor's performances across different movies? With CLEAR® AI, it's as easy as chatting with a close friend—a personal content curator.

"CLEAR® Conversational AI Co-Pilot represents a groundbreaking advancement, reshaping how content is created, consumed, and everything in between," said Murali Sridhar, Senior Vice President of Product Management at PFT. "It is setting the stage for the future where every interaction with content is intuitive, efficient, and incredibly rewarding for our customers."

Step into the future of content management, creation, marketing, and distribution at W1921. Connect with our team at NAB Show 2024. Click here to schedule a meeting.

CLEAR®, where your content meets revenue.

About Prime Focus Technologies
Prime Focus Technologies (PFT) is the creator of CLEAR®. It offers streaming platforms, studios, and broadcasters AI technology and media services powered by the cloud that help them enable creativity, efficiency, and, most importantly, revenue generation. PFT works with major companies like Walt Disney-owned Star TV, Channel 4, ITV, Sinclair Broadcast Group, A&E Networks, Warner Bros. Discovery, Hearst, PBS, Paramount, Lionsgate, Crunchyroll, Insight TV, Disney+ Hotstar, BCCI, Tegna, Amazon MGM Studios and more.

For more information, visit: www.primefocustechnologies.com

Press Contact:
T Shobhana
Senior Vice President and Global Head of Marketing
Prime Focus Technologies
Los Angeles, CA


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