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Sino Jet Awarded "National High-tech Enterprise" Certification: Digital Transformation Paves the Way for a New Era in Business Aviation

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1277 加入收藏 :

HONG KONG, April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the realm of business aviation, technological innovation and digital transformation have become pivotal forces propelling industry development. Sino Jet, as a leading enterprise in the sector, has won the certification of "National High-tech Enterprise" for its exceptional performance in these areas. This accolade not only validates Sino Jet's unwavering commitment to technological innovation but also acknowledges its successes in digital infrastructure development.

Since its inception in 2011, Sino Jet has remained steadfast in its dedication to prioritizing customer needs. This dedication is exemplified through its provision of a comprehensive solution for aircraft asset lifecycle management, achieved via ongoing technological innovation and service enhancements. In the domain of digital infrastructure development, Sino Jet has consistently invested resources in building a digital operations management system covering vital areas such as aircraft operations, maintenance engineering, safety management, cabin services, and financial management. The implementation of this system matrix has not only significantly elevated operational efficiency and management standards within the business aviation sector but has also delivered an unparalleled level of transparency and service experience for Sino Jet's customers.

Amidst intense global competition in the business aviation market and increasingly diverse customer needs, Sino Jet's digital transformation strategy becomes particularly vital. By harnessing real-time data analysis and intelligent decision support, Sino Jet is able to provide more precise and personalized services, thereby sustaining a top-tier position in the fiercely competitive market environment. Moreover, the extensive adoption of digital technologies furnishes substantial backing for Sino Jet in endeavors such as energy conservation, emission reduction, and the promotion of eco-friendly aviation practices, aligning closely with prevailing sustainable development trends in the global aviation industry.

The representative for Sino Jet emphasized, "Digitalization serves as the primary catalyst for driving technological innovation and service enhancements within our company. It not only optimizes operational processes but also allows Sino Jet to gain deep insights into customer needs, ensuring an exceptional flight experience that perfectly blends safety and efficiency."

The winning of the certification of "National High-tech Enterprise" is not only an affirmation of Sino Jet's innovative practices in the field of business aviation but also an anticipation of its future potential. Looking ahead, Sino Jet remains committed to technological innovation and deepening digital transformation, striving to become a global leader in the business aviation industry. Concurrently, the company will actively respond to national policies, strengthen cooperation with domestic and international research institutions, and contribute to the sustainable and healthy development of China's business aviation industry. Through these efforts, Sino Jet endeavors to contribute Chinese expertise to the global aviation industry's eco-friendly evolution and intelligent advancement.

For queries please contact:
Sino Jet Marketing Department
Telephone: (+852) 2588 7007 / (+86 10) 8416 2637
Email: marketing@sinojet.org / marketing@sinojet.org.cn 
Website:  http://www.sinojet.org/

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2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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