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XCMG Machinery Tackles Global Talent Shortage in the Construction Equipment Industry

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 486 加入收藏 :

XUZHOU, China, March 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a strategic move to address the growing talent shortage in the global construction equipment industry, XCMG Machinery (SHE:000425, "XCMG") has launched an extensive cross-training program for its employees from XCMG Global Business Headquarters. This initiative aims to enhance comprehensive project management skills among over 1,000 staff members, offering services such as preventative maintenance, and equipment and technical consultations. The program significantly alleviates the pressure on contractors due to a lack of experienced operators.

XCMG Machinery Tackles Global Talent Shortage in the Construction Equipment Industry.
XCMG Machinery Tackles Global Talent Shortage in the Construction Equipment Industry.

Globally, the construction sector is under increasing strain due to a significant shortfall in skilled labor, a challenge that is particularly stark in countries boasting advanced infrastructure, including the US and Canada, as well as in developing countries witnessing rapid urbanization, such as India and South Africa. XCMG acknowledges the vital importance of having a highly skilled and service-oriented workforce to support contractors and builders in their quest for efficient construction processes. To address this, XCMG has rolled out an extensive series of service training sessions aimed at key international markets, with the objective of enhancing the skills and knowledge of its service staff.

XCMG has made remarkable strides in its international training efforts, having organized more than 300 sessions that span over 1300 hours and involve participants from over 30 countries, totaling nearly 2000 individuals. The company's Global Business Headquarters, making use of its extensive global resources in R&D, production, and testing, develops bespoke training initiatives that are finely tuned to the specific demands of local markets. These initiatives have been implemented in various regions, including Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Indonesia, and South Africa, where they have received outstanding feedback from international trainees.

The program focuses on blending theoretical knowledge with practical application, offering participants the opportunity to engage in simulated exercises that span a range of situations, such as operation and maintenance. It transforms production front lines into learning environments, guiding trainees through workshops, product testing zones, and areas dedicated to operation maintenance. By undergoing fundamental training in mechanics, hydraulics, and electrics, its international service staff have markedly improved their expertise, enhancing their ability to manage diverse technical repair and support challenges. Moreover, comprehensive and in-depth training sessions on the operation and maintenance of various products have been provided, equipping participants to swiftly address emergencies and minimize customer downtime.

XCMG has evolved its service capabilities beyond conventional equipment repair and technical support by incorporating preventative maintenance upgrade consultations, enriching the variety of services provided. This enhanced service model boosts both service quality and the competitive prowess of our service team.

Xuzhou Construction Machinery's Technician College offers a hands-on learning experience, where its team members dissect and study equipment on-site and train with simulators and actual machines to swiftly and proficiently adapt to new products and technologies. Its timely and strategic promotional activities for newly introduced products internationally enable the team to offer customized upgrade and adaptation services, further enhancing customer satisfaction.

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2024 年 10 月 15 日 (星期二) 農曆九月十三日
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