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Empyrion DC rebrands as Empyrion Digital with new name and logo

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 416 加入收藏 :

New brand, visual identity and multi-lingual website reflects the company's transformative journey to becoming Asia's leading next-generation digital infrastructure platform.

SINGAPORE and SEOUL, South Korea, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Empyrion DC, a leading data centre platform in Asia Pacific, has announced a new brand identity as Empyrion Digital to reflect the company's vision to become Asia's leading next-generation digital infrastructure platform.

This strategic transformation signals not only a change in name and logo, but a bold commitment to build a regional platform of data centres engineered for sustainability to meet the increased demand for high-density computing workloads.

In 2021, Empyrion DC was launched by Seraya Partners, a leading Asia infrastructure fund. The platform currently operates a 12.5 MW data centre in Singapore and is constructing a 40 MW data centre in Seoul, South Korea, with more markets under development. The brand change to Empyrion Digital sets the stage for its next phase of focused growth to build a new generation of green data centres across key markets in Asia.     

Mr Mark Fong, Chief Executive Officer, Empyrion Digital, said, "This rebranding initiative goes beyond a name and logo change. As AI workloads create greater demands on the efficiency and performance of data centres, our new identity as Empyrion Digital represents a strategic move to evolve ourselves for the future by placing sustainability at the heart of our operations. We believe in being green-by-design and investing into advanced technologies to deliver exceptional AI-ready solutions that flex and scale with our customers and partners across Asia."

The new Empyrion Digital brand embraces a forward-looking and contemporary style, including fresh brand colours and the incorporation of a leaf symbol into its logo, that leans into its vision of building a sustainable digital infrastructure platform.

The new brand will be rolled out across all company materials. This also includes the launch of a new multi-lingual website, which will be continually updated with the company's corporate milestones, new projects and market insights. For more information, visit www.empyriondigital.com

About Empyrion Digital

Empyrion Digital is a next-generation digital infrastructure platform committed to sustainability and the highest standards of responsible operating performance. Green by design, we develop and operate robust, scalable and carrier-neutral data centres for hyperscale and enterprise customers across Asia.

Headquartered in Singapore, Empyrion Digital is a portfolio company of Seraya Partners, a leading Asia infrastructure fund. 


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2024 年 12 月 5 日 (星期四) 農曆十一月初五日
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