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WARC Media 100 Names Mindshare #1 Media Agency

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 533 加入收藏 :

NEW YORK and LONDON and SINGAPORE and SHANGHAI, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mindshare, the media services company that is part of GroupM and WPP, has been named the #1 Media Agency in the 2024 WARC Media 100 rankings.

The WARC Media 100 is a ranking of the world's most awarded campaigns and companies for media. It tracks the results of media award shows around the world, and acts as a benchmark for media excellence, allowing marketers to compare their performance with that of their peers.

Mindshare's New York office took the #1 Media Agency spot in this year's rankings, and Mindshare secured the #2 spot globally for Media Network. The agency's success in the rankings was based on a wide breadth and depth of work across its global network:

  • Two Mindshare offices in the top five Media Agencies—New York (#1) and Mumbai (#5)
  • In total, six Mindshare offices in the top 100 Media Agencies, all of which made the top third of the list—including London (#14), Shanghai (#20), Melbourne (#22), and Ho Chi Minh City (#32).
  • Award-winning campaigns for eight brands globally, spanning Unilever, Tyson Foods, the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, Castrol, and Visit Sweden.
  • WPP is the #1 Holding Company in this year's WARC Media 100, and GroupM has taken three of the top five agency spots.

"Being recognized by WARC is an incredible honor. More than any individual award, it's a cumulative view across the industry, and a testament to how we work with clients and partners. Winning both the number one spot for media agency and a top spot for global media network speaks to the breadth of our capabilities and innovation worldwide, with programs that bring together content and commerce, that leverage AI for accelerated growth, and ultimately create enduring and diversified business growth for our clients." – Adam Gerhart, Global CEO, Mindshare.

This is the fourth time in five years that Mindshare has topped one of WARC's Media 100 rankings. It follows a number of top tier accolades for the agency; in 2023, Mindshare was awarded Cannes Lions' Media Network of the Year, for the second time in four years.

About Mindshare
Mindshare is a media services company that accelerates Good Growth for its clients in the age of transformation. The solutions we create are both Good for consumers and drive Growth for our clients. We were the first purpose-built company created by WPP and today we are 10,000 people working in 116 offices in 86 countries, helping to drive Good Growth for our clients, our people, the industry and the world. www.mindshareworld.com


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2024 年 12 月 12 日 (星期四) 農曆十一月十二日
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