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CCTV+: 2024 Conference on International Industrial Cooperation (Singapore) & China's Machinery and Electronics Show Set to Launch in Singapore

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1997 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, March 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Under the guidance and support of China's Ministry of Commerce and Singapore's Ministry of Trade and Industry, the 2024 Conference on International Industrial Cooperation (Singapore) & China's Machinery and Electronics Show in Singapore, co-organised by China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, will be held on 19-21 March at Singapore Expo Convention & Exhibition Centre.

2024 Conference on International Industrial Cooperation (Singapore) & China’s Machinery and Electronics Show Set to Launch in Singapore
2024 Conference on International Industrial Cooperation (Singapore) & China’s Machinery and Electronics Show Set to Launch in Singapore

As a pivot event to serve China-Singapore civil economic and trade cooperation, implement the China-Singapore FTA and the MOUs on cooperation in key areas, this year's Conference will place more emphasis on the effectiveness of "in-depth, wide-ranging, and practical" activities. It will prioritise platform effect and engage extensively with all stakeholders. Following the successful model of "Conference + Exhibition," the event will seamlessly integrate "outbound" and "inbound" strategies, aiming to establish an innovative international service platform. Through continuous theme innovation, content enrichment, and the adoption of more flexible and diversified forms of cooperation, the Conference seeks to facilitate connections among participating enterprises and professional organisations, thereby better serving the high-quality development of economic and trade cooperation between China, Singapore, and the RCEP region.

The Conference will spotlight themes "Green Energy and Digitalisation, International Industry-Education Integration, Industrial Parks Investment & Cooperation, Corporate Governance & Compliance Practices," addressing major concerns of the Chinese and Singaporean governments and relevant industries. It will feature an Opening Ceremony, a Seminar on the Investment Environment and Projects of China's Key Provinces and Cities, as well as various topical Seminars. Over 500 industry representatives from government departments, key financial institutions, and industry leaders from China, Singapore, and other RCEP countries will engage in in-depth exchanges on relevant topics, actively implementing cooperation consensus between the two governments and promoting multi-bilateral economic and trade exchanges.

Alongside the Conference, China's Machinery and Electronics Show will be held, focusing on building technology, home appliances and electronics, power energy, and other industries. Concurrent with BuildTech Asia at the same venue, the Show is expected to attract approximately 10,000 professional visitors and buyers.

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2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 農曆正月十五日
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