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MADLY Bespoke Jeweller makes their dazzling Dubai Debut

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 676 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MADLY Bespoke Jeweller, an internationally acclaimed jeweller celebrated for its vibrant and rare coloured gems and one-of-a-kind designs, is poised to captivate Dubai with its inaugural Brand Experience Centre in the heart of the city.

The new MADLY Brand Experience Centre in City Walk, Dubai, MADLY's first international store and their largest one to date.
The new MADLY Brand Experience Centre in City Walk, Dubai, MADLY's first international store and their largest one to date.

Choosing Dubai for its first international venture was a strategic move for MADLY, aligning seamlessly with the brand's unique and disruptive approach to bespoke jewellery. The city's vibrancy and dynamism create the perfect backdrop for MADLY's distinct offerings.

Founder Maddy Barber reflects on MADLY's journey, stating, "MADLY was born because I wanted everyone to be able to own a unique and special piece of jewellery that truly tells their story and reflects their essence. Now, we're a step closer to aspire to extend the enchantment of bespoke jewellery to a broader audience, inviting others to embrace the magic we've crafted!"

The MADLY Experience at City Walk

MADLY's biggest Brand Experience Centre yet promises visitors and clients an extraordinary journey. City Walk, a prime location just a 5-minute drive from Dubai Mall, offers a dynamic blend of dining, shopping, and entertainment. With the Burj Khalifa in view, the district is a hub of world-class, international names and cultural richness.

Far beyond the ordinary, MADLY immerses patrons in the captivating world of gemstones. Explore the origins of precious stones, witness the craftsmanship that brings them to life, and engage with interactive walls embodying MADLY's commitment to education and transparency. In anticipation of the diverse, cosmopolitan crowd in Dubai, MADLY's team of jewellery designers is equally varied, hailing from all over the world, including France, Italy and Jordan, and with a myriad of artistic styles and experiences, ensuring every design taste is accounted for.

"The MADLY experience is unlike anything else in Dubai– not only do we create beautiful and precious masterpieces with the finest 0.1% of top quality gemstones, it's the process of creating something 'uniquely yours' that makes a MADLY jewel that much more meaningful," remarks Victor Saint-Pere, Partner at MADLY.

About MADLY Bespoke Jeweller

Founded in 2014, MADLY is a sassy, trailblazing, bespoke jewellery design house all about the top 0.1% of coloured gemstones and one-of-a-kind designs. Through intimate discussions with MADLY's team of designers, clients can co-create the perfect piece of jewellery to celebrate their individuality and style, handcrafted in 18K Gold and forged by the hands of master craftsmen.

With their own sourcing offices in East Africa and Sri Lanka, MADLY is proud to have unparalleled access to quality gemstones and can attest to their ethical sourcing, all while boasting Singapore's largest collection of coloured gemstones.

For more information, please visit their Instagram page @madlygems or go to https://madly.com/.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Sabrina Leong
Head of Marketing and Communications
sabrina@madly.com  | +65 8201 7554

Follow MADLY on social media:


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