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Leapstack has raised nearly 200 million RMB in Series C+ Funding, building a diversified technological value chain for health insurance

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 629 加入收藏 :

SHANGHAI, Jan. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leapstack, a prominent insurtech company, recently secured an impressive 200 million RMB yuan in Series C+ Funding, led by Qiming Venture Partners. The funding round also saw active participation from Soochow Yihe Capital, and existing shareholder Legend Capital, with exclusive financial advisory services provided by MountainView Capital. As a technology-driven enterprise, Leapstack specializes in cutting-edge digital solutions for medical insurance. The company offers comprehensive digital solutions catering to government health insurance departments, commercial insurance companies, medical/nursing institutions, as well as pharmaceutical and medical device companies, among other enterprises.

Leapstack has consistently prioritized cost control and digital services at the core of its business strategy. On one hand, Leapstack has developed an intelligent audit system. Through the establishment of an in-house medical insurance fund supervision team, it employs a smart online audit and random offline inspection to serve as a robust safeguard for the public's medical expenses. On the other hand, for digital services, Leapstack furnishes commercial insurance enterprises with an all-encompassing digital platform. Leveraging its in-house automated operation engine, seamlessly integrated with big data risk analysis, Leapstack establishes a closed loop of efficiency and fee control. This empowers the entire insurance claims process, resulting in reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Leapstack has launched its business in Vietnam, Indonesia and other markets over the past two years. As outlined in its strategic roadmap, Leapstack envisions a substantial expansion of its overseas business over the next three to five years. Leapstack is poised to enter the Thai and Singaporean markets, aiming to spearhead technological integration throughout the entire Southeast Asian region through the implementation of innovative business models.

Leapstack is concurrently pursuing expansion into the medical care and health industry. Through the integration of the enterprise, medical, and pharmaceutical scenarios, and the connection among quality medical resources, Leapstack aims to achieve effective access to quality medical services and innovative diagnosis and treatment solutions. By innovating payment methods, Leapstack contributes to the enhancement of effective and quality medical services, progressively improving health guarantees.

Since its establishment in 2016, Leapstack has successfully completed multiple funding rounds, boasting a robust shareholder portfolio that includes Gaorong Capital, Fomou Assets, DCM, Puhua Capital, Danhua Capital, Lingfeng Capital, FinVolution Group (NYSE: FINV), Uphonest Capital, 360 DigiTech (NASDAQ: QFIN), Legend Capital, Peakview Capital, GF Qianhe Investment and Huazhi Capital, etc.

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2024 年 12 月 2 日 (星期一) 農曆十一月初二日
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