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Premier Safety Milestone: Lenovo Vehicle Computing Earns ISO26262 Functional Safety Management System Certification from TÜV Rheinland

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 445 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, Jan. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lenovo Vehicle Computing today announced that it has received the certification of ISO26262 Functional Safety management system ASIL-D from TÜV Rheinland, a milestone for its development.

The ISO26262 is a core international standard aimed at minimizing risks in electrical and electronic system failures in automobiles as cars are increasingly becoming autonomous, connected, and electrified. ASIL-D is the highest level of the ISO 26262 functional safety standard and has the most stringent development process requirements.

Lenovo Vehicle Computing is dedicated to bringing superior intelligent domain controller products and solutions to automobile manufacturers and tier1 suppliers. As technological complexity increases, the inclusion of multi-featured infotainment systems, driver assistance technologies, and electronically controlled safety features have fueled the growth of software in the automotive industry.

Lenovo Vehicle Computing has demonstrated through TUV's rigorous certification process that it has successfully put in place a Functional Safety Management System. Since its inception last year, Lenovo's Vehicle Computing business has gained traction among a broad range of partners, potential customers, and the automotive industry at large. By coupling Lenovo's core strengths in computing technology and AI expertise, the company is poised to deliver cutting-edge intelligent mobility solutions of the future.

Donny Tang, Lenovo Vice President, head of Lenovo Vehicle Computing and Lenovo Research's Vehicle Computing Lab noted: "Lenovo Vehicle Computing prioritizes safety and reliability in providing intelligent computing platforms and solutions for the automotive industry. Receiving the ISO 26262 functional safety management system certification is a significant milestone for us, demonstrating that we've established a comprehensive development process system that meets the highest automotive functional safety requirements and industry standards."

"Lenovo Vehicle Computing is committed to implementing functional safety as a fundamental requirement for product development and creating intelligent automotive products with cutting-edge technologies and high safety standards for customers," he said.

Lutz Frankholz, Executive Director of TÜV Rheinland Shanghai said:" As one of the world's leading technology service providers, TÜV Rheinland provides one-stop solutions for OEMs and suppliers in the field of automotive functional safety. "TÜV Rheinland and Lenovo have been working closely in various fields for many years, and the ISO 26262 functional safety management certification issued to Lenovo Vehicle Computing is a boost to the development of Lenovo Vehicle Computing in the automotive area. In the future, TÜV Rheinland will cooperate with Lenovo in more areas."

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