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Risen Energy Shines as The Only Winner in the Module Category at PV magazine Awards 2023

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 967 加入收藏 :

NINGBO, China, Jan. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, Risen Energy, a global leading solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer, emerged as the winner among over 200 entries from more than 39 countries worldwide. As the sole recipient in the module category, Risen Energy's triumph stands as a compelling testament to their unwavering dedication to excellence.

The PV Magazine Awards 2023 recognized cutting-edge advancements and honored top-tier innovations in the solar industry. A distinguished panel of 19 independent expert jurors, known for their vast experience and expertise, meticulously evaluated this year's entries.

The star of 2023 goes to the heterojunction (HJT) cell Hyper-ion, which achieved a remarkable milestone by setting a new-record power output of 741.456W at an impressive efficiency of 23.9% on its Hyper-ion range. "700 W-plus power output is a notable achievement in any solar module, but the 2023 Modules winner packs a heap of innovation inside to set it apart." Commented by PV Magazine. Risen Energy's Hyper-ion module stands out with its unique features. It incorporates Risen Energy's patented 0BB cell interconnection, branded Hyper-link, which sets it apart from the competition. With an industry-leading cell thickness of 90 to 100 micrometers, and the option of a steel frame, this module excels in terms of design and functionality. Hyper-ion boasts an astonishing power range of 690-715W, with dimensions measuring 2,384 mm x 1,303 mm, and a weight of 37.5kg. In October, Hyper-ion module achieves a carbon footprint value of 376.5 kg eq CO2/kWc.

"When compared to the latest version of the Exawatt PV Module tracker, Hyper-ion would have significantly outperformed the rest of the HJT category," said Molly Morgan, one of the jurors. "It is a no-brainer for me in a module category the highest efficiency module deserves some credit."

Furthermore, Risen Energy also enhanced its warranty, surpassing its TOPCon competitors. It now offers a 15-year product warranty and a 30-year power warranty, ensuring a minimum of 90.3% nominal power output. Previously, the empirical test data conducted in Hainan through the collaboration between Risen Energy and the National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Products Quality (CPVT) revealed that Hyper-ion modules outperformed PERC modules by achieving a 5.13% higher power generation per watt.

"I gave the Risen module a high score because, the efficiency is pretty high – taking the middle of the datasheet because that is the offering – and the energy yield is definitely an advantage because of the better temperature co-efficiency and the slightly higher bifaciality," added by George Touloupas, another juror.

In July, the 2023 Fortune China 500 rankings were announced, placing Risen Energy at the 435th position. The company has consistently pursued a commitment to affordable electricity and reduced carbon emissions. By continuously minimizing its environmental impact, Risen Energy not only achieves lower electricity costs through enhanced power generation but also establishes itself as a top-quality Chinese manufacturer, catering to the demands of the global market.

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2024 年 10 月 9 日 (星期三) 農曆九月初七日
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