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Mary Kay's Patent Count Hits Record High of 1,678

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1532 加入收藏 :

SHANGHAI, Dec. 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skin care innovation, recently revealed that in 2023, the year it celebrates its 60th anniversary, it has 1,678 patents filed, covering products, advanced technologies, and packaging designs in its global portfolio. This milestone validates our status as one of the top innovators in the cosmetics industries.

At Mary Kay, success lies in providing innovative, high-performing products. In a typical year, Mary Kay Inc. invests millions of dollars in research and conducts hundreds of thousands of tests to ensure that every product meets our high standards of safety, quality, and performance. From innovative skin care to bold color cosmetics and fragrances, Mary Kay products deliver everything women want around the world.

"I am excited to be on the front lines of innovation to create beauty products that invigorate our independent sales force members, as well as their customers, around the world. Our award-winning portfolio is the result of innovative insights and rigorous testing, ensuring that every formula delivers on the highest standards of quality, efficacy, and safety." said Dr. Lucy Gildea, Chief Innovation Officer, Product and Science at Mary Kay Inc.

From inspiration to the formulation and until its eventual distribution, each new product passes through a series of stringent research and consumer testing procedures. By constantly combing the globe for the latest ingredients, technologies, and innovation, our dedicated team of scientists is able to continually deliver cutting-edge products. In addition to the commitment to innovation, Mary Kay partners with top makeup artists, trendsetters, and fashion designers worldwide, enabling our Independent Beauty Consultants to provide the irresistible products women want, coupled with the personalized service they love.

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2025 年 1 月 14 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月十五日
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