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South Korean oil-less bearing manufacturer SGO to participate in the MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 2023

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 451 加入收藏 :

SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SGO, a Korean oil-less bearing manufacturer, is expanding its business to the Indonesian and Southeast Asian markets by participating in MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 2023, an international manufacturing machinery, equipment, materials, and services exhibition held at Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia from December 6 to 9, 2023.

MANUFACTURING INDONESIA is Indonesia's largest international machinery exhibition that provides a professional business platform for the manufacturing industry in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. SGO, a Korean company specializing in oil-less bearing, participated in MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 2022 and exported textiles, tile machinery, ships, construction machinery, etc. The exhibition ended successfully with interest and visits from customers in various industries.

By replacing the roller bearings used in PALM OIL MILL's transportation machine wheels with oil-less bearings, SGO has achieved shortened maintenance periods and reduced costs. The brand SGO has been promoted not only in Indonesia but also in neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. SGO, which has been knocking on the door of the Southeast Asian market since 2018, once again confirmed Indonesia's marketability through last year's exhibition and decided to re-participate in MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 2023.

At MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 2023, SGO, a Korean oil-less bearing manufacturer, plans to introduce and export Self-Lubricating Multilayer Composite Bearings in addition to its current main export product, brass oil-less bearings. Self-Lubricating Multilayer Composite Bearings layer materials such as PTEE, polymer, and bronze onto steel-backing for use in printing machines, weaving machines, and construction equipment. SGIO plans to expand the range of bearing choices by introducing Dry Bearings, Pre-Lubricating Bearings, Bi-metal Bearings, and Bronze Wrapped Bearings to industry customers at the event.

Founded in 2000, SGO mainly manufactures oil-less bearings and with one-stop process facilities ranging from purchasing raw materials to casting, extruding materials, and bearing processing, SGO is a technology-competitive company with 16 patents at home and abroad, providing value to customers in various industries in more than 30 countries around the world, including major exporters and technology powerhouses such as the US, Japan, and Germany.

The upcoming events that SGO will participate in are as follows:

1. Indonesia

Manufacturing Indonesia 2023 (https://www.manufacturingindonesia.com/)

- Period: 2023.12.6-2023.12.9
- Venue: Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

2. India 

1) PLASTIVISION 2023 (https://www.plastivision.org)

- Period: 2023.12.7-2023.12.11
- Venue: Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India

2) EXCON 2023 (https://www.excon.in)

- Period: 2023.12.12-2023.12.16
- Venue: BIEC, Bengaluru, India

Email: info@sgoilless.co.kr

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