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Integral Hosts Road Safety, China-ASEAN Mayors' Forum and UNGC Events, Forging Urban Progress and Sustainable Development

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 421 加入收藏 :

HONG KONG, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- From November 20-21, Integral, Esquel's Sustainable Development Garden in the scenic city of Guilin, served as the host venue for 3 featured events -- DETERMINANT x Meituan Road Safety Promotional Campaign, the 2023 China-ASEAN Mayors' Forum, and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals Year-end Ceremony. With a focus on sustainable urban growth, leaders from the United Nations, public sectors, and businesses, exchanged views on how they can jointly work towards a greener, resilient, inclusive and sustainable future for global citizens. As an ideal location that exemplifies the harmonious coexistence between the manufacturing industry and nature, Integral further amplifies the events' visions and values in sustainability.

Integral Bird's Eye View
Integral Bird's Eye View

The name, "Integral", carries layers of meaning that altogether express a future we are working towards – one where economic prosperity is sustained in holistic harmony with the environment and every part of society. The mathematical meaning of this word is a reminder of how every small change adds up. It demonstrates Esquel's strive for excellence and exploration in Making a Difference to the planet, people, product, and community. As the pioneering developmental model for the future, Integral upholds innovation, quality employment, culture, and environmental sustainability as its focuses in design and management philosophies. It also proudly announced making significant progress towards the 17 UNSDGs in the recent Integral Conversation.

Integral closely aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and acts as a strong facilitator for sustainable-related summits, forums, and activities to make positive transformations for our future generations.

DETERMINANT and Meituan's "Ride Safely, Arrive Stylishly" Road Safety Promotional Campaign Sheds Light on Sustainable and Safe Commute

On November 20, DETERMINANT and Meituan co-hosted their road safety campaign. Echoing with the UNSDG Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, the campaign aims to enhance the public's awareness and knowledge on civilized and safe commuting.

With over 1.3 million of tremendous casualties caused by traffic accidents each year, Jean Todt, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, regarded road safety as the core pillar to promote social progress, and call upon stakeholders' joint efforts in halving the road traffic fatalities by 2030.

The joint campaign symbolizes the endeavors shared between DETERMINANT and Meituan in pursuing the UNSDGs and serving the community. Cai Wei, Director of DETERMINANT, shared that businesses should adhere to people-centric approach and empower employees to make a difference to the world. Wu Qingmeng, Head of Meituan's Ride Safety Affairs Management Center, highlighted the company's safety control system and commitment in transforming the industry with innovation and technology. Zhang Fawang, Secretary of Party Committee at Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey, CGS, pointed out the close relationship between geology and transport safety. Su Zhanhong, Deputy Captain of the Seven Star Traffic Police Brigade, the Traffic Police Detachment of the Guilin Municipal Public Security Bureau, educated people to become more civilized traffic practitioners.

2023 China-ASEAN Mayors' Forum Sparks Discussions on Addressing Urban Challenges

On the same day, the subforum of the 2023 China-ASEAN Mayors' Forum, themed "Building Smart Eco-Cities, Promoting Innovative Development with High Quality" was held. Together, mayors from ASEAN countries exchanged ideas on how they can foster socio-economic development, technological innovations, and environment conservation in parallel.

Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, emphasized the power of collaboration in striking a balance between urban economic growth, inclusiveness, and environmental protection. With China's leading position in innovation, Jean Tolt, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, was optimistic that China could be the role model for other countries in addressing complex urban challenges. Siddharth Chatterjee, the United Nations Resident Coordinator of China, placed road safety as the top priority in urban planning. To manifest green and high-quality development, Zhang Fawang, Secretary of Party Committee at Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey, CGS,  believed that constructing energy-efficient corridors are practical solution in tackling climate change. Facing urban challenges, everyone has the responsibility to ensure the population's safety. All of them anticipated further collaborations and breakthroughs to accelerate sustainable development.

UNGC SDG Innovation Accelerator Year-End Ceremony, Regards Young Professionals as Key Drivers of Future Innovation

On November 21, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) organized its Year-end Ceremony of the SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals, at Integral. More than 70 representatives from the United Nations, United Nations Global Compact, local governments, businesses, and media attended the ceremony. Among the participants, six teams from three different companies presented their innovative solutions at the event.

In the welcoming speech, Liu Meng, Head of China Office of the United Nations Global Compact, expressed that being responsive to rapid global changes is increasingly significant in designing sustainability-oriented strategies.  To accelerate progress towards the UNSDGs, Siddharth Chatterjee, the United Nations Resident Coordinator of China, highlighted that subverting conventions is the key. Teresa Yang, Vice Chairman of Esquel Group, shared that the company has been one of the early members since 2000, and has led sustainable transformations in the industry. To forge a greener future, Teresa encouraged young professionals to think thoroughly, dare to explore, and innovate new possibilities.  

With the speakers' acknowledgements towards the young professionals' potentials, Jean Todt, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, announced the commencement of the Accelerate Camp 2024.

Together, the guest speakers called for corporations' attention to invest in youth development, as they are the main drivers of innovative solutions, and co-creators of a greener future.

Integral is honored to be the place where purposeful and thought leaders gather, sharing their dedication and respective approaches in addressing sustainability issues. By integrating innovation, quality employment, culture, and environmental sustainability, Integral will continue its initiatives and establish synergies with value partners to pave the way towards a brighter future for businesses, community and the planet.

DETERMINANT x Meituan Road Safety Promotional Campaign
DETERMINANT x Meituan Road Safety Promotional Campaign

2023 China-ASEAN Mayors’ Forum
2023 China-ASEAN Mayors’ Forum

About Integral

Integral, Esquel's Sustainable Development Garden, sets in the scenic landscape of Guilin. It is a pioneering development model in the textile and apparel industry that combines innovation, quality employment, culture, and environmental sustainability, to showcase how manufacturing and nature can coexist in perfect harmony.

About Esquel

Founded in 1978, Esquel is a leading global knowledge-based innovation company. Its vision of Making a Difference focuses on two primary goals: tackling climate change and narrowing the wealth gap. Esquel strives to leverage its professional knowledge accumulated from successfully operating a vertically integrated supply chain, to provide practical experience and leading examples for the transformation and sustainable development of traditional manufacturing industries, enhancing core competitiveness and creating greater economic and social value.

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