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CKGSB and SRW's Flagship ASEAN Global Leadership Program to Focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 415 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, Nov. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) is delighted to announce the renewal of its collaboration with SRW&Co. for the joint ASEAN Global Leadership Program (AGLP), scheduled to take place in Beijing from the 4th – 8th of November, 2024. The program, themed "Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Cutting-edge Insights from China," offers an immersive five-day journey into China's dynamic transformation and innovation landscape, and regional opportunities for businesses.

Tailored for senior executives, the program aims to provide valuable insights into how China's history, policy, and innovative companies are shaping the regional economy. Moreover, the program explores how businesses in the region can leverage the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to tackle challenges and seize opportunities presented by this landmark agreement.

CKGSB's Founding Dean and Professor of China Business and Globalization Xiang Bing says, "We are sincerely delighted to partner with SRW Co. to co-host the 5th ASEAN Global Leadership Program in 2024. This program plays a vital role in offering leaders from ASEAN countries a broader global perspective and a deeper understanding of China, thereby facilitating increased collaboration and integration between China and ASEAN countries."

The program convenes distinguished faculty members, industry experts, and leaders to speak on a wide variety of topics spanning from the broader geopolitical landscape and economic development to more focused topics around China's digital innovations, its unique business models and economic partnerships within ASEAN economies.

Daniel Wong, Chairman and Partner of SRW&Co. says, "Besides trade and investment, China has also contributed to many important regional development initiatives in ASEAN, especially in the infrastructure sector like the BRI initiative. As in our past China editions, AGLP participants can gain valuable knowledge, experiences and insights from the world-class CKGSB faculty and their distinguished alumni network."

AGLP is aimed at senior executives working in both public and private sectors across industries in Southeast Asia who have responsibilities for strategic leadership and for improving their company's performance.

CKGSB is China's first privately-funded and research-intensive business school that aims to cultivate transformative business leaders with a global vision, sense of social responsibility, innovative mindset, and ability to lead with empathy and compassion. SRW&Co. is a regional management consulting firm providing specialist services in designing and implementing a full range of integrated people management and development solutions.

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2024 年 11 月 3 日 (星期日) 農曆十月初三日
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