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Black Friday Bonanza: LILYSILK Launches Huge Holiday Sale Event

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 390 加入收藏 :

NEW YORK, Nov. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- It's that special time of the year again, and LILYSILK, the world's leading silk brand with a mission to inspire people to live spectacular, sustainable lives, is launching its Black Friday sale just in time for the holiday season.

Black Friday Bonanza: LILYSILK Launches Huge Holiday Sale Event
Black Friday Bonanza: LILYSILK Launches Huge Holiday Sale Event

From 4th to 24th November, LILYSILK is staging several promotions in its Black Friday sale, including:

  • Buy one get one 25% off on any products from the LILYSILK official website.
  • A 15% discount on orders over $300 *
  • A 20% discount on orders over $600 *
  • A flash sale, with discounts of 30% on selected products.
  • A free silk eye mask with the purchase of two or more silk pillowcases.

*(On US site. In other markets discounts may vary)

Note: All information above is subject to the latest LILYSILK website.

In addition to these amazing offers and discounts, LILYSILK is launching its 2023 shopping guide, which it hopes will encourage customers to buy smarter and greener this holiday season. In the guide, the brand gives tips on how customers can balance luxury fashion with sustainability. It also highlights key products that encapsulate this brand philosophy.

1.       By investing in high-quality products that can be styled into diverse looks, you can create a timeless wardrobe. LILYSILK only uses the best materials in its collections:

2.       Choose sustainable products that have a lesser environmental impact and contribute to protecting the planet. Most products are OEKO-TEX certified for safety and can be recycled through TerraCycle®. Also, LILYSILK recently expanded its GOTS-Certified Organic Silk collection, with all products free of harmful substances.

"We are thrilled to announce our biggest sale of the year", said David Wang, CEO of LILYSILK. "This year, we're not only offering incredible discounts but also encouraging our customers to embrace green shopping. As a brand committed to both luxury and sustainability, we recognize the importance of making eco-friendly choices. We invite you all to join us in making a difference with every purchase."

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