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North Carolina Opens First Office for Economic Development in Taiwan

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 721 加入收藏 :

Commerce Secretary says the new office will help the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina attract investors and trade partners across Southeast Asia

TAIPEI, Nov. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In partnership with the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EPDNC), N.C. Department of Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders announced today that North Carolina has opened its first Taiwan investments office. The State of North Carolina Taiwan Office, located in Taipei, opened October 5 and aims to secure investment partnerships from Southeast Asian companies and organizations, including those in mainland China and Taiwan.

"Opening an office in Taiwan solidifies North Carolina's commitment to fostering global partnerships, strengthening international ties and promoting economic growth," said North Carolina Secretary of Commerce Machelle Baker Sanders. "The state has seen more than $5.1 billion invested from Southeast Asian companies since 2013, and we will continue to build bridges connecting North Carolina to the world, enhancing opportunities for trade, innovation and partnerships."

Taiwanese companies who have made investments in North Carolina, including Anderson Group, HTC Global Services, Everest Textiles, Delta Electronics and more, have pledged more than $52 million in investments and 846 jobs in North Carolina since 2013. The Tar Heel state has exported $372.6 million in trade and goods to Taiwan in 2022 and imported $1.68 billion. According to the U.S. Department of State, Taiwan is one of the world's top 20 economies in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and serves as the United States' ninth-largest trading partner.

"Taiwanese companies are increasing foreign direct investment in the U.S., notably led by the microelectronic and clean energy sectors," said Christopher Chung, CEO of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC). "North Carolina recognizes the resiliency of Taiwan business across many sectors and values a stronger partnership built on our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and continued growth. As a Taiwanese American whose parents immigrated from Taiwan, I am thrilled North Carolina is furthering its relationship with Taiwan. The EDPNC and I look forward to establishing our Taiwan office to connect with Taiwanese and other regional businesses and stakeholders to promote North Carolina as an ideal business location."

The Taiwan office will be North Carolina's ninth international location, following offices in Canada, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Germany, Poland, Belgium and Dubai.

CNBC named North Carolina its Top State for Business in 2022 and 2023. Last year saw a record-breaking $19.3 billion invested in the state and nearly 29,000 new jobs announced, including 10,275 from 30 foreign direct investment projects worth a combined $5.21 billion.

For more information, visit https://edpnc.com/.

About the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina

The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) is a private nonprofit corporation that serves as North Carolina's statewide economic development organization. Governed by an 18-member board of business and industry leaders from across the state, the EDPNC focuses on business and job recruitment, existing industry support, international trade, and tourism and film marketing. The EDPNC, which operates under contract with the North Carolina Department of Commerce, works closely with public- and private-sector partners at the state, regional and local levels. For more information, visit edpnc.com.

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