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MUSINSA Unveils Campaign with NewJeans under the theme of 'NewJeans' Journey to MUSINSA'

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2434 加入收藏 :
  • Released a global campaign with 13 brands… showcasing the freshness and trendiness of K-fashion brands
  • Exclusive promo code for discounts on NewJeans styling items in the campaign

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- MUSINSA launched a global campaign in collaboration with its ambassador NewJeans. The campaign will be unveiled through the store and its official SNS channel on October 12.

MUSINSA Unveils Campaign with NewJeans  under the theme of ‘NewJeans’ Journey to MUSINSA’
MUSINSA Unveils Campaign with NewJeans under the theme of ‘NewJeans’ Journey to MUSINSA’

Titled 'NewJeans' Journey to MUSINSA', this campaign aims to introduce 23 Fall/Winter fashion items from 13 distinct K-fashion brands, including GLOWNY, Mardi Mercredi, Matin Kim, OIOI and more. As part of this campaign, MUSINSA offers a promo code that provides an extra 17% discount on selected products styled by NewJeans in the campaign. Additionally, high-definition wallpapers from this campaign are available through the MUSINSA APP.

Dressed in the latest fashion pieces from various K-fashion brands, the members of NewJeans introduce a diverse range of new styles for the Fall/Winter seasons. Each member is styled with trending seasonal items, including cargo skirts, racing jackets, cowichan sweaters and more, showcasing the unique design and silhouettes of these brands.

MUSINSA also features advertising screens in prominent locations such as Melrose District in LA, Shibuya in Tokyo, and Umeda in Osaka. To engage with the audience, customers who photograph NewJeans billboards and upload them to their social media accounts, tagging MUSINSA global (@musinsa_global), have the opportunity to win a MUSINSA magazine NewJeans Edition.

MUSINSA's official statement explains, "Through this Fall/Winter campaign, we aim to spotlight the freshness and distinctive allure of K-fashion in collaboration with NewJeans. We are deeply passionate about showcasing various Korean designer brands alongside one of this generation's most influential and iconic artists."

This campaign is available for viewing on the MUSINSA global and its official instagram account from October 12 and running until October 25.

For more information, please visit:


Established as an online fashion community in 2001, MUSINSA has grown to become a leading fashion platform in South Korea, featuring nearly 1,000 K-fashion labels in 13 countries worldwide. Committed to supporting small and medium-sized fashion brands through various marketing activities and investments, MUSINSA has achieved a valuation exceeding $2.5 billion, solidifying its position as a fashion powerhouse. Since 2022, MUSINSA's brand ambassador, NewJeans, has represented the platform in various campaigns.

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