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Leading Engineering Manufacturer - PT Sanggar Sarana Baja Joins Hardox® In My Body Program

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1987 加入收藏 :

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Oct. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SSAB Swedish Steel, Indonesia ("SSAB") has announced that it has awarded the "Hardox® In My Body" seal of quality to leading engineering manufacturer PT Sanggar Sarana Baja ("SSB").

HardoxInMyBody Group Picture of SSB and SSAB
HardoxInMyBody Group Picture of SSB and SSAB

The Hardox® In My Body sign is a trademark used on products from manufacturers certified by SSAB and guarantees that the product is made of genuine Hardox® wear plate. Only SSAB produces genuine Hardox® wear plate. The well-known steel brand Hardox® wear plate is owned by SSAB and is a registered trademark.

In Indonesia, Hardox® wear steel is solely available through SSAB's own sales channels and in end-user equipment produced by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), some of whom are members of the quality program Hardox® In My Body.

Hardox® In My Body - A global presence

Hardox® In My Body members and their certified equipment can be found all over the world. Today the program supports more than 500 members in 60 countries, and the numbers are growing rapidly. Members serve a wide range of industries, like mining, construction, quarrying, road building, recycling, demolition and agriculture.

First developed in 1974, Hardox® is a highly wear-resistant steel that helps to reduce weight and extend the service life of a wide range of steel applications, even under the harshest conditions.

Genuine Hardox Guaranteed

"While some products may look the same on the surface, only those using Hardox® can offer the safety, reliability and long-lasting operation guaranteed by our certified Hardox® In My Body member", said John Kuan, Country Manager South East Asia, SSAB. 

A Higher Level of Performance

"SSAB's Hardox® wear plate offers increased durability that allows for prolonged use without repairs. Its  weldability and workshop-friendly properties mean it can also be easily integrated into repair regimes. 

The use of Hardox® wear plate creates savings due to its superior strength, lowering overall weight with the use of thinner plates, and thus increasing payloads and productivity" said Johan Budisusetija, Director of SSB. 

About SSAB

SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company. SSAB offers value added products and services developed in close cooperation with its customers to create a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world. SSAB has employees in over 50 countries and has production facilities in Sweden, Finland and the US. SSAB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has a secondary listing on Nasdaq Helsinki.

For more information, visit www.ssab.com. You can also join us on our official social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

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