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文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 945 加入收藏 :

WEST BAY, Cayman Islands, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Pulsr Foundation, Web3's largest distributed NFT discovery ecosystem, releases AI search engine optimization for over 5m NFTs across Ethereum, Polygon and Tezos, now openly available for discovery on its platform: https://www.pulsr.ai/. Pulsr alleviates discoverability  pain points for onchain collectors and NFT marketplaces by using AI to automate, identify and distribute NFT searchability Web3-Wide.

"Millions of NFTs from talented artists lack ecosystem-wide visibility as onchain SEO is non-existent." says Maxine Ryan, Founder of Pulsr Foundation. "Onchain collectors are now able to discover emerging artists buried under mass minting volumes, while having a search experience closer to how one searches on Google."

With over 40.5m SEO labels auto-generated for thousands of artist's NFTs, Pulsr improves organic search by using computer vision AI to analyze NFTs - a process that enriches metadata for image and video NFTs. Pulsr's methodology bypasses the need for NFT artists to be educated on, or adopt fragmented metadata standards across the Web3 ecosystem.

"Being able to use AI effectively to search through millions of onchain artworks is a major breakthrough in the history of NFTs. It's nearly impossible to find new art through existing platforms organically right now." says @UnknownCo123, a notable NFT collector with over 60.1k followers on Twitter.

"Utilizing AI for discovery is the next frontier. Pulsr will inspire and push onchain creativity to levels like never before. It's exciting to see Pulsr innovate in the area of AI-powered search engine optimization, as metadata is the key to the future of Web3 discovery." says AOI, Founder of https://aoi.com/.

Pulsr uses AI to provide a multichain personalized search experience, while generating permissionless NFT search engine optimization. The NFT AI search engine is also an NFT marketplace aggregator that connects collectors to a wider purchasing ecosystem.

Anticipation for Pulsr's launch continues to build since closing its 2M pre-seed round last year. Leading Web3 investors such as Spartan Capital, Sequoia, Future Fund, DIGITAL, as well as prominent NFT Angel investors joined Pulsr Foundation's round.

"Myself, the Pulsr Foundation team and 14,000 private access onchain collectors and artists have been building and validating the concept of an AI powered discovery network that fixes the core problem of NFT visibility, cross-chain and cross-communities." Ryan said. "We are excited to launch https://www.pulsr.ai/ to the public as the cornerstone of our strategy."

Pulsr Foundation is hosting an open invite Twitter Space, discussing its launch on 27/7/23, 1pm EST.

Access the Twitter Spaces here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1mrxmkkLjBDGy 

About Pulsr Foundation

Pulsr Foundation is Web3's largest NFT distributed discovery ecosystem that connects next-gen creators and collectors to the next evolution of the internet.

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