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Spark Plus to Host Singapore Mining Day Conference on 15 September with Largest Asian-Based Investor Network

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 431 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Spark Plus, a leading Asia-Pacific corporate advisory specialist, is thrilled to announce the annual Singapore Mining Day Conference. The event will take place on Friday, 15 September 2023, from 10 am to 5 pm, during the Singapore F1 Grand Prix week, at the prestigious Sands Expo & Convention Centre. Organised in conjunction with the Singapore Mining Club (SMC), attendees can look forward to presentations from 10 dynamic ASX Junior Mining companies on the latest developments and trends in the sector.

This year's line-up will feature Chariot Corporation, Greenvale Energy Limited, GTI Energy Limited, Infinity Lithium, Lithium Plus Minerals Limited, Power Minerals Limited, QEM Limited, Scorpion Minerals Limited, Tyranna Resources Limited and Victory Metals Limited showcasing their offerings to more than 100 investors.

In light of the surging global demand for natural resources, driven by the increasing need for electric vehicles and sustainability initiatives, the second edition of the Singapore Mining Day Conference bears great significance. This dedicated platform brings together family offices, brokers, ultra-high-net-worth individuals and institutions from Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong interested in ASX-listed resource companies to foster new and exciting business outcomes for companies and investors. Lunch and light refreshments will be served.

This year's conference aims to build on the success of the 2022 event, to be the premier, dedicated platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and fostering fruitful collaborations. "At the 2022 event, Blu Horseshoe connected with 70 to 80 high-calibre investors. Significantly, we met and secured our biggest client to date at the lunch, which immediately propelled our business and still provides constant momentum eight months later. Through the lunch, Blu Horseshoe also established relationships with brokers, leading to a steady flow of quality offers that continues to set us apart from our competitors. The Spark Plus Mining Day Lunch continues to have a tangible impact on our business today, and I eagerly look forward to attending again and again," said Mr Antony Tolfts, CEO of Blu Horseshoe, who attended the Spark Plus Mining Day Lunch in September 2022.

For a limited time only, Spark Plus is offering an exclusive discount of 40% off the registration fee for the first 20 registrations. Use the code "SGMC23" to secure your discounted spot. Spaces are filling up quickly, so do not miss this opportunity. Register at tinyurl.com/singaporeminingday23.

If you are an SMC member or belong to the category of ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices, brokers or institutions and are interested in attending, please contact Jack at jack@sparkplus.org. Spark Plus eagerly anticipates the interest and presence of esteemed participants at the event.

About Spark Plus

Spark Plus is a leading corporate advisory and investor relations firm based in Singapore, focusing on Australasia. The firm provides transaction advice, such as Pre-IPO, IPOs, and secondary capital raisings, while delivering reliable and expert corporate advice. Since 2017, our team of small-cap investment professionals has effectively engaged and collaborated with over 300 listed and unlisted companies across various industries, including mining, biotech, healthcare, technology, software, general industrial, and financial services.

Media Contact

Jack Zhang
Head of Investor Relations
Spark Plus Pte Ltd

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