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Mouser Electronics New Product Insider: Almost 30,000 New Parts Added in Second Quarter of 2023

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 456 加入收藏 :

SHANGHAI, July 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As an authorized distributor, Mouser Electronics, Inc. is focused on the rapid introduction of new products and technologies, giving customers an edge and helping speed time to market from design chain to supply chain™. Over 1,200 semiconductor and electronic component manufacturer brands count on Mouser to help them introduce their products into the global marketplace. Mouser's customers can expect 100% certified, genuine products that are fully traceable from each manufacturer.

Last quarter, Mouser launched almost 30,000 products ready for shipment, with more than 20,000 introduced in June alone.

New products Mouser introduced during the Mouser April-June timeframe include:

  • STMicroelectronics STPM801 Hot Swap Voltage Controllers
    The STPM801 from STMicroelectronics is an automotive-qualified integrated hot-swap and ideal-diode controller for functional-safety applications. The STPM801 drives an external MOSFET replacing a Schottky diode conventionally used for reverse-input protection and output-voltage holdup. The ideal-diode controller circuit also provides power O-ring to switch between a primary and backup battery to ensure uninterrupted supply to safety-critical equipment such as autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
  • NXP Semiconductors i.MX 93 Evaluation Kit (MCIMX93-EVKCM)
    The i.MX 93 evaluation kit (MCIMX93-EVKCM) provides a platform for the comprehensive evaluation of the NXP Semiconductors i.MX 93 applications processors, including the ability to measure power consumption on the power rails. The two-board solution consists of a compute module that contains i.MX 93 SoC, LPDDR4, eMMC, QSPI, PMIC and power monitoring circuits and a baseboard that brings out the broad connectivity needed for product evaluation.
  • Amphenol FCI Minitek MicroSpace High Voltage Connectors
    The LV214 Severity-2 compatible Amphenol FCI Minitek MicroSpace connectors are compact, robust and versatile. With a voltage rating of up to 1200 V and a 4 A current rating, these connectors are suitable for higher power applications, including automotive navigation, infotainment and HVAC clusters.
  • Taoglas MA1290 7-in-1 Raptor III Shark Fin Combo Antenna
    The MA1290 Raptor III antenna from Taoglas combines active multiband GNSS, 2x 5G/4G Cellular MIMO, 2x Dual-Band Wi-Fi®, Active AM/FM and VHF/UHF/LMR antennas in a small, robust, IP67 rated enclosure. The compact and integrated design reduces installation time and cost, making it ideal for automotive and commercial trucking applications.

To see more New Product Insider highlights, visit https://www.mouser.com/newproductinsider.

For more Mouser news, visit https://www.mouser.com/newsroom/.

About Mouser Electronics

Mouser Electronics, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an authorized semiconductor and electronic component distributor focused on New Product Introductions from its leading manufacturer partners. Serving the global electronic design engineer and buyer community, the global distributor's website, mouser.com, is available in multiple languages and currencies and features more than 6.8 million products from over 1,200 manufacturer brands. Mouser offers 27 support locations worldwide to provide best-in-class customer service in local language, currency and time zone. The distributor ships to over 650,000 customers in 223 countries/territories from its 1 million-square-foot, state-of-the-art distribution facilities in the Dallas, Texas, metro area. For more information, visit https://www.mouser.com/.

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