SKF Half-year report to be published on 19 July
GOTHENBURG, Sweden, July 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SKF will publish its Half-year results for 2023 on 19 July at approximately 07:00 (CEST).
Investors, analysts, and media are invited to join a webcast, which will be held in English, at 08:15 (CEST).
To join the webcast, please login at least 10 minutes before the start using the below link or phone numbers.
Link to web event:
Sweden +46 10 884 80 16
UK / International +44 20 3936 2999
Passcode: 466190
All information regarding the results will be made available on the Group's IR website:
Media: To book interviews with Rickard Gustafson, President and CEO, or Niclas Rosenlew, CFO, please contact Carl Bjernstam on
Aktiebolaget SKF
For further information, please contact:
PRESS: Carl Bjernstam, Head of Media Relations
tel: 46 31-337 2517; mobile: 46 722-201 893; e-mail:
INVESTOR RELATIONS: Patrik Stenberg, Head of Investor Relations
tel: 46 31-337 2104; mobile: 46 705-472 104;
The following files are available for download:
20230711 SKF Half-year results to be published on 19 July |
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