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UK Unicorn Kingdom: Pathfinder Awards 2023 announced at London Tech Week

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3807 加入收藏 :

Global tech scaleups will have the opportunity to compete for a fully tailored business development trip to the UK with the launch of the Unicorn Kingdom: Pathfinder Awards 2023.

LONDON, July 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- At London Tech Week [13 June] the Department for Business and Trade announced the launch of a new global competition, Unicorn Kingdom: Pathfinder Awards 2023.

The competition, promoted by the GREAT Global Trade campaign, builds upon the previous success of the Tech Rocketship Awards and will be bigger and bolder than ever before, launching on a truly global scale. These awards will be the largest global awards for tech scaleups the UK has ever seen, open to established fast-growing, high potential tech businesses across the world. Last year the awards drew over 250 highly competitive entries all corners of Europe and Israel. 

The award will cover a broad spectrum of tech sub sectors, reflecting the UK's ambition to cement its status as a Science and Technology Superpower and provide a fresh new proposition for the UK as a place where tech businesses from across the world come to thrive.

Submissions for the awards will open in September, with the final due to take place in early 2024. Winners will receive fully tailored support to aid their expansion in the UK, with market visits, access to tech clusters, venture capital, and the UK's unique ecosystem of support for ambitious tech companies.

Find out more and register your interest at great.gov.uk/unicorn

Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister said:

"We are an island of innovation.

"We want not only to retain our position as one of the world's tech capitals but to go even further and make this the best country in the world to start, grow, and invest in tech businesses.

"These awards demonstrate the Government's commitment to the tech sector and are one of a number of initiatives we are launching to cement the UK as a Science and Tech Superpower by 2030."

Business and Trade Secretary, Kemi Badenoch said:

"This Government has a clear mission - to make the UK the most innovative economy in the world and cement our status as a science and technology superpower. 

"The Unicorn Kingdom: Pathfinder Awards 2023 will build on the UK's success to date and enable some of the world's most exciting start-ups to thrive in our burgeoning tech ecosystem and get access to world-leading finance opportunities."

Minister for Investment Lord Johnson said:

"More than 1,000 new international businesses set up in the UK each year and we are committed to building on this success. 

"The UK is providing what tech investors really want, a highly skilled and engaged workforce and an ecosystem built to grow large-scale investments. 

"That's why foreign investors love the UK – and the Unicorn Kingdom Awards will only strengthen our offer to the vibrant and growing international tech sector."

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