探索太赫茲市場動態:Virginia Diodes, Inc. (VDI) CEO及創辦人Dr. Thomas W. Crowe
臺北,臺灣 / 美國 - 2024年3月6日 –筑波科技(ACE Solution)與Virginia Diodes, Inc.(VDI)為友好的合作夥伴,致力於滿足市場對高頻技術的需求。2023年12月5日至8日,筑波科技特別邀請Thomas W. Crowe博士參加亞太微波大會,這亦是他首次來台,針對VDI與筑波合作的市場經驗做分享。
Virginia Diodes, Inc.(VDI)的首席執行官及創辦人Thomas W. Crowe博士詳細介紹他在推動太赫茲技術方面的重要歷程。Dr. Crowe於維吉尼亞大學 (University of Virginia) 取得電機工程碩士和博士學位,致力於
為太赫茲應用開發的肖特基二極體技術上。Dr. Crowe團隊的重要成就為創造平面二極體和集成二極體電路,其中最引人注目的是首款平面混頻器和變容倍頻二極體的推出。這項開創性研究為從幾百GHz到5 THz的不同頻率範圍的科學測量奠定堅實基礎。從一家小型企業起步,VDI現已發展成為擁有125名員工的企業,為全球眾多公司、研究實驗室和大學提供服務。
選擇良好的合作夥伴是在高頻技術市場勝出的重要關鍵,Dr. Crowe堅信筑波科技是台灣在地重要戰略角色。因應高頻率帶來的挑戰,VDI的服務項目包含開發能將低頻微波轉換為更高頻太赫茲範圍的二極體。這一技術突破有助於偵測小分子,為在天文學、大氣研究、基礎科學研究和半導體測試等領域的應用開闢新途徑。成立於1996年的VDI一直是太赫茲技術在科學、安全、工業和商業應用中迅速崛起的先驅。從射電天文學到等離子體診斷和分子光譜學,VDI的太赫茲源在全球科學領域工作中發揮重要作用。
針對與筑波科技的合作,Dr. Crowe強調:「在動態與複雜的市場,筑波具有開拓在臺灣市場的專業知識。特別是,筑波對現在炙手可熱的半導體產業熟悉度,使VDI能夠掌握5G和6G領域的先機,與筑波的商業佈局完美契合」。太赫茲技術在醫學成像、分子分析、安全和通信等各個領域具有巨大潛力,Dr. Crowe推測太赫茲技術將變得更加易於探索,促進成像、光譜學和半導體測試等領域的進步。
藉由首次訪台的APMC活動,Dr. Crowe特別分享有關太赫茲技術的市場活躍應用,也代表VDI對筑波科技貢獻和合作肯定。隨著更高頻率的需求激增,VDI在競爭激烈的環境中面臨新挑戰,Dr. Crowe博士強調必須透過不斷改進技術以保持領先地位並滿足客戶的複雜需求。旅程仍在繼續,我們渴望能在這迷人的太赫茲領域繼續實現創新和突破。
筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd.
Virginia Diodes, Inc.
Address: 979 Second Street, S.E. Suite 309, Charlottesville, VA 22902-6172
Phone: 434.297.3257
Fax: 434.297.3258
E-mail: rfq@vadiodes.com
Website: https://www.vadiodes.com/en/
關於筑波科技(ACE Solution)
About VDI
Our Mission
To make the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum as useful for scientific, military and commercial applications as the microwave and infrared bands are today.
Our Products
VDI manufactures state-of-the-art test and measurement equipment for mm-wave and THz applications. These products include Vector Network Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer and Signal Generator Extension Modules that extend the capability of high performance microwave measurement tools to higher frequencies. VDI's component products include detectors, mixers, frequency multipliers and custom systems for reliable operation at frequencies between 50 GHz and 2 THz. All VDI components include in-house fabricated GaAs Schottky diodes and microelectronic filter structures.
Our History
VDI was founded in 1996 by Dr. Thomas W. Crowe, VDI CEO & Founder. From 1996 to 2001 VDI sold only Schottky Diodes for scientific applications including radio astronomy and high frequency radar. During this period, VDI operated as a University of Virginia (UVa) spin-off and utilized the facilities at the University. Around 2001 VDI expanded to include offices in downtown Charlottesville, VA and started selling complete mixer, detector and multiplier products for 50-1000 GHz operation. By 2004 VDI started selling sub-systems such as THz Transmitter & Receiver modules. Also in 2004 all VDI operations moved to the 979 Second Street location in Charlottesville and VDI stopped utilizing UVa facilities. Since then VDI continued to grow the number of product offerings and employees needed to satisfy a broad range of terahertz and millimeter wave customers. Today, VDI employs over approximately 100 engineers, technicians and administrative staff working in a high tech 20,000 sq. ft. facility.
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